This is a mostly-empty template for Google-Samsung Watch Face Format (WFF) projects. You can use it as a basis for new WFF projects.
The files in this project should build and install as is. However, this will give you a watch face called 'Boilerplate'. Customise the project as follows:
project directory name ('boilerplate'): change
: changenamespace
: changewatch_face_name
: remove the<PartDraw>
(which is only present to verify that the boilerplate project runs). -
: replace with a screenshot of your completed watch face.
You can now add your own WFF XML elements, resources and other customisation.
When you first build your project, you'll probably get 'Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found', because this repository does not contain .gradle
files. Gradle can usually configure itself after this if you've got a suitable build environment installed (such as Android Studio). Alternatively, you can try copying and adapting .gradle
files from here.
Gradle is updated regularly, so you may need to upgrade your project accordingly.
This repository is based on Google's Watch Face Format Sample repository.
Google's Watch Face Format site: brief(!!) instructions on WFF project setup and building; WFF XML reference.
Samsung Watch Face Studio: the easiest way to design WFF watchfaces, but is less flexible than WFF XML.
Watch Face Format Sample: Google samples demonstrating the structure of WFF watch faces.
XML Preprocessor: a tool that can help with WFF XML development.
wff-build-script: a Microsoft Windows batch file to help with building WFF projects.