When Do Transformers Shine in RL? Decoupling Memory from Credit Assignment, NeurIPS 2023 (oral)
NeurIPS 2023: Safety-Gymnasium: A Unified Safe Reinforcement Learning Benchmark
JMLR: OmniSafe is an infrastructural framework for accelerating SafeRL research.
AI 智能生成 PPT,通过主题/文件/网址等方式生成PPT,支持原生图表、动画、3D特效等复杂PPT的解析和渲染,支持用户自定义模板,支持智能添加动画,可在线体验。AI generates PowerPoint Presentation, Supports parsing and rendering of complex PPT features such as native charts…
IPython widgets, interactive plots, interactive machine learning
PlotAI - Your Ultimate Plotting Assistant! 📊🤖 Use ChatGPT-3.5 to create plots in Python and Matplotlib directly in your Python script or notebook.
The release codes of LA-MCTS with its application to Neural Architecture Search.
MDPs and POMDPs in Julia - An interface for defining, solving, and simulating fully and partially observable Markov decision processes on discrete and continuous spaces.
Use DQN to boost MPC computation for dynamic obstacle avoidance.
we combine safe reinforcement learning with MPC to enhance the safety in the on-ramp merging scenario
OpenAI Gym-based aircraft dynamics simulation model
F-16 Aircraft Dynamics Model from Stevens and Lewis "Aircraft Control and Simulation".
Simple simulation of collision avoidance of airplanes in pygame, trained using Reinforcement Learning
A Collision Avoidance and Path Planning Framework implemented for a dual arm Pick and Place robot task simulation. Velocity Obstacles and RRTStar Motion Planner are used in the algorithm to plan dy…
Python project regarding implementation of two UAVs physics and collision detection/avoidance simulation.
Delayed RL agent for non-Atari tasks, from "Acting in Delayed Environments with Non-Stationary Markov Policies", ICLR 2021.
Simple (but often Strong) Baselines for POMDPs in PyTorch, ICML 2022
Fine-tuned MARL algorithms on SMAC (100% win rates on most scenarios)
Python implementation of POMDP framework and PBVI & POMCP algorithms.
OpenDILab Decision AI Engine. The Most Comprehensive Reinforcement Learning Framework B.P.
A curated list of awesome model based RL resources (continually updated)
Code for Learning to Synthesize Programs as Interpretable and Generalizable Policies in NeurIPS 2021
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
This is the code for the paper "Efficient Exploration in Resource-Restricted Reinforcement Learning" (
Implementation of the VIPER algorithm introduced in "Verifiable Reinforcement Learning via Policy Extraction" by Bastani et al.