The old Linux kernel source ver 0.11/0.12-0.96
A practical tour to the Linux Kernel readme ftp
comment code version
- a linux distribution: fedora, centos, debian, ubuntu and mint
- some tools: gcc gdb qemu vi
- a linux-0.11 hardware image file 'hdc-0.11.img' which also can be download from, and put it in the root directory.
- If want to install bochs, please refer my rep 'pintos'.
$ make
$ tar xjf hdc-0.11.img.tar.bz2 <<< get root-image filesystem
$ make help
$ make start <<< boot it on qemu
$ make debug <<< debug it via qemu & gdb, you'd start gdb to connect it.
$ gdb tools/system
(gdb) target remote :1234
(gdb) b main
(gdb) br *0x7c00 <<< CS=0x7C00, this is BIOS load the MBR's address, here bios hand over the control to linux-kernel.
<<< So 0x7C00 is the code of bootsec.S
<<< check the value of 0x7DFE and 0x7DFF is 0x55 0xAA or not
(gdb) x/16b 0x7DF0
(gdb) c