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New translations translations.json (Japanese) (pancakeswap#1735)
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PancakeSwap-bot authored Jul 16, 2021
1 parent 4cc51fb commit fef7707
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 72 deletions.
144 changes: 72 additions & 72 deletions public/locales/ja-JP.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@
"Next Draw": "次の抽選",
"Your tickets": "自分の宝くじ券",
"You have": "You have",
"Match the winning number in the same order to share prizes.": "賞金をシェアするには当選番号を同じ順序で一致させます",
"Match the winning number in the same order to share prizes.": "賞金をシェアするには当選番号を同じ順番で一致させます",
"Current prizes up for grabs:": "現在の抽選獲得賞金",
"Burn": "バーン",
"Match all %numberMatch%": "すべての%numberMatch%が一致",
Expand All @@ -958,80 +958,80 @@
"\"Buy Instantly\" chooses random numbers, with no duplicates among your tickets. Prices are set before each round starts, equal to $5 at that time. Purchases are final.": "「すぐに購入」は宝くじ券が重複しないように、乱数を選択します。各ラウンドが開始する前に価格は設定され、各5ドルです。購入後は返金できません。",
"Prizes Collected!": "賞金を回収しました!",
"Your CAKE prizes for round %lotteryId% have been sent to your wallet": "ラウンド%lotteryId%のCAKE賞金が、お使いのウォレットに送金されました",
"Claim %claimNum% of %claimTotal% for round %lotteryId% was successful. Please confirm the next transation": "Claim %claimNum% of %claimTotal% for round %lotteryId% was successful. Please confirm the next transation",
"Claim %claimNum% of %claimTotal% for round %lotteryId% was successful. Please confirm the next transation": "ラウンド%lotteryId%の%claimTotal%のうち%claimNum%の請求が正常に行われました。次の取引を確認してください",
"Claiming": "請求しています",
"Tickets must match the winning number in the exact same order, starting from the first digit.": "Tickets must match the winning number in the exact same order, starting from the first digit.",
"If the winning number is “123456”:": "If the winning number is “123456:",
"“120000” matches the first 2 digits.": "120000” matches the first 2 digits.",
"“000006” matches the last digit, but since the first five digits are wrong, it doesn’t win any prizes.": "000006” matches the last digit, but since the first five digits are wrong, it doesn’t win any prizes.",
"Winning number": "Winning number",
"Total tickets": "Total tickets",
"Winning tickets": "Winning tickets",
"until the draw": "until the draw",
"Winners announced in": "Winners announced in",
"Tickets on sale in": "Tickets on sale in",
"to check if you've won!": "to check if you've won!",
"Why didn't I win?": "Why didn't I win?",
"How to Play": "How to Play",
"If the digits on your tickets match the winning numbers in the correct order, you win a portion of the prize pool.": "If the digits on your tickets match the winning numbers in the correct order, you win a portion of the prize pool.",
"Simple!": "Simple!",
"Prices are set when the round starts, equal to 5 USD in CAKE per ticket.": "Prices are set when the round starts, equal to 5 USD in CAKE per ticket.",
"Wait for the Draw": "Wait for the Draw",
"There are two draws every day: one every 12 hours.": "There are two draws every day: one every 12 hours.",
"Check for Prizes": "Check for Prizes",
"Once the round’s over, come back to the page and check to see if you’ve won!": "Once the round’s over, come back to the page and check to see if you’ve won!",
"Step %number%": "Step %number%",
"Winning Criteria": "Winning Criteria",
"The digits on your ticket must match in the correct order to win.": "The digits on your ticket must match in the correct order to win.",
"Here’s an example lottery draw, with two tickets, A and B.": "Here’s an example lottery draw, with two tickets, A and B.",
"Ticket A: The first 3 digits and the last 2 digits match, but the 4th digit is wrong, so this ticket only wins a “Match first 3” prize.": "Ticket A: The first 3 digits and the last 2 digits match, but the 4th digit is wrong, so this ticket only wins a “Match first 3” prize.",
"Tickets must match the winning number in the exact same order, starting from the first digit.": "宝くじ券は、最初の桁から始めて全く同じ順番で当選番号が一致する必要があります。",
"If the winning number is “123456”:": "当選番号が「123456」の場合:",
"“120000” matches the first 2 digits.": "120000」は最初の2桁が一致しています。",
"“000006” matches the last digit, but since the first five digits are wrong, it doesn’t win any prizes.": "000006」は最後の桁が一致していますが、最初の5桁が正しくないため、いずれの賞金も獲得しません。",
"Winning number": "当選番号",
"Total tickets": "宝くじ券合計数",
"Winning tickets": "当選宝くじ券",
"until the draw": "抽選まで",
"Winners announced in": "当選者発表: ",
"Tickets on sale in": "宝くじ券販売: ",
"to check if you've won!": "当選したかどうか確認しましょう!",
"Why didn't I win?": "なぜ当選しなかったのか?",
"How to Play": "プレイ方法",
"If the digits on your tickets match the winning numbers in the correct order, you win a portion of the prize pool.": "宝くじ券の数字が当選番号に正しい一致順番で一致している場合、賞金プールの一部を獲得します。",
"Simple!": "それだけです!",
"Prices are set when the round starts, equal to 5 USD in CAKE per ticket.": "ラウンドが開始する際に価格は設定され、宝くじ券あたり5ドルのCAKEに相当します。",
"Wait for the Draw": "抽選を待つ",
"There are two draws every day: one every 12 hours.": "毎日2回、12時間ごとに1回の抽選が行われます。",
"Check for Prizes": "賞金を確認",
"Once the round’s over, come back to the page and check to see if you’ve won!": "ラウンドの終了後、ページに戻って当選したかどうか確認しましょう!",
"Step %number%": "ステップ%number%",
"Winning Criteria": "当選基準",
"The digits on your ticket must match in the correct order to win.": "当選するには、宝くじ券の数字が正しい順番で一致する必要があります。",
"Here’s an example lottery draw, with two tickets, A and B.": "宝くじの抽選の例は以下のようになります。宝くじ券2枚、AとBがあります。",
"Ticket A: The first 3 digits and the last 2 digits match, but the 4th digit is wrong, so this ticket only wins a “Match first 3” prize.": "宝くじ券A: 最初の3桁の数字と最後の2桁の数字が一致しているけれども、4番目の数字が正しくないため、この宝くじ券は「最初の3桁が一致」賞金のみを獲得します。",
"A": "A",
"Ticket B: Even though the last 5 digits match, the first digit is wrong, so this ticket doesn’t win a prize.": "Ticket B: Even though the last 5 digits match, the first digit is wrong, so this ticket doesn’t win a prize.",
"Ticket B: Even though the last 5 digits match, the first digit is wrong, so this ticket doesn’t win a prize.": "宝くじ券B: たとえ最後の5桁の数字が一致していたとしても、最初の数字が正しくないため、この宝くじ券は賞金を獲得しません。",
"B": "B",
"Prize Funds": "Prize Funds",
"The prizes for each lottery round come from three sources:": "The prizes for each lottery round come from three sources:",
"Ticket Purchases": "Ticket Purchases",
"100% of the CAKE paid by people buying tickets that round goes back into the prize pools.": "100% of the CAKE paid by people buying tickets that round goes back into the prize pools.",
"Rollover Prizes": "Rollover Prizes",
"After every round, if nobody wins in one of the prize brackets, the unclaimed CAKE for that bracket rolls over into the next round and are redistributed among the prize pools.": "After every round, if nobody wins in one of the prize brackets, the unclaimed CAKE for that bracket rolls over into the next round and are redistributed among the prize pools.",
"CAKE Injections": "CAKE Injections",
"10,000 CAKE from the treasury is added to a lottery round every other day. This CAKE is of course also included in rollovers! Read more in our guide to ": "10,000 CAKE from the treasury is added to a lottery round every other day. This CAKE is of course also included in rollovers! Read more in our guide to ",
"CAKE Tokenomics": "CAKE Tokenomics",
"Digits matched": "Digits matched",
"Prize pool allocation": "Prize pool allocation",
"Matches first %digits%": "Matches first %digits%",
"Matches all 6": "Matches all 6",
"Burn Pool": "Burn Pool",
"Still got questions?": "Still got questions?",
"Check our in-depth guide on": "Check our in-depth guide on",
"how to play the PancakeSwap lottery!": "how to play the PancakeSwap lottery!",
"Prize brackets don’t ‘stack’: if you match the first 3 digits in order, you’ll only win prizes from the ‘Match 3’ bracket, and not from ‘Match 1’ and ‘Match 2’.": "Prize brackets don’t ‘stack’: if you match the first 3 digits in order, you’ll only win prizes from the ‘Match 3’ bracket, and not from ‘Match 1’ and ‘Match 2’.",
"Coming soon!": "Coming soon!",
"Tickets": "Tickets",
"Edit numbers": "Edit numbers",
"each": "each",
"Collect Prizes": "Collect Prizes",
"You won": "You won",
"Calculating rewards": "Calculating rewards",
"Buying multiple tickets in a single transaction gives a discount. The discount increases in a linear way, up to the maximum of 100 tickets:": "Buying multiple tickets in a single transaction gives a discount. The discount increases in a linear way, up to the maximum of 100 tickets:",
"2 tickets: 0.05%": "2 tickets: 0.05%",
"50 tickets: 2.45%": "50 tickets: 2.45%",
"100 tickets: 4.95%": "100 tickets: 4.95%",
"You pay": "You pay",
"Lottery Now Live": "Lottery Now Live",
"Play Now": "Play Now",
"Over %amount% in Prizes!": "Over %amount% in Prizes!",
"Next Auction": "Next Auction",
"Auction Schedule": "Auction Schedule",
"%numHours% hours": "%numHours% hours",
"To be announced": "To be announced",
"Auction Leaderboard": "Auction Leaderboard",
"How does it work?": "How does it work?",
"Step 1: Submit application": "Step 1: Submit application",
"Projects can submit an application to sponsor a yield farm and/or pool on PancakeSwap via the ": "Projects can submit an application to sponsor a yield farm and/or pool on PancakeSwap via the ",
"Application Form": "Application Form",
"Step 2: Await whitelisting": "Step 2: Await whitelisting",
"The PancakeSwap team will try to respond within a week.": "The PancakeSwap team will try to respond within a week.",
"Prize Funds": "賞金の資金財源",
"The prizes for each lottery round come from three sources:": "各宝くじラウンドの賞金には3つの資金財源があります。",
"Ticket Purchases": "宝くじ券の購入",
"100% of the CAKE paid by people buying tickets that round goes back into the prize pools.": "宝くじ券を購入する人により支払われるCAKEの100%が賞金プールに利用されます。",
"Rollover Prizes": "賞金の繰り越し",
"After every round, if nobody wins in one of the prize brackets, the unclaimed CAKE for that bracket rolls over into the next round and are redistributed among the prize pools.": "各ラウンドの後、賞金カテゴリのうちの1つでだれも当選しない場合、そのカテゴリの請求されなかったCAKEは次のラウンドに繰り越しされ、賞金プール内で再分配されます。",
"CAKE Injections": "CAKE資金の注入",
"10,000 CAKE from the treasury is added to a lottery round every other day. This CAKE is of course also included in rollovers! Read more in our guide to ": "10,000CAKE資金が1日おきに宝くじラウンドに追加されます。このCAKEにはもちろん繰り越しも含まれています!詳しくは次のガイドをご覧ください: ",
"CAKE Tokenomics": "CAKEトークノミクス",
"Digits matched": "数字が一致しました",
"Prize pool allocation": "賞金プールの割り当て",
"Matches first %digits%": "最初の%digits%桁の数字が一致",
"Matches all 6": "6つの数字すべてが一致",
"Burn Pool": "バーンプール",
"Still got questions?": "まだ何かご質問がおありですか?",
"Check our in-depth guide on": "PancakeSwap 宝くじのプレイ方法については",
"how to play the PancakeSwap lottery!": "弊社の詳細ガイドをご覧ください!",
"Prize brackets don’t ‘stack’: if you match the first 3 digits in order, you’ll only win prizes from the ‘Match 3’ bracket, and not from ‘Match 1’ and ‘Match 2’.": "賞金カテゴリは「スタック」しません。最初の3桁の数字が順番通りに一致する場合、「マッチ3」カテゴリからのみ賞金を獲得します。「マッチ1」と「マッチ2」からの賞金はありません。",
"Coming soon!": "近日公開!",
"Tickets": "宝くじ券",
"Edit numbers": "数字を編集",
"each": "それぞれ",
"Collect Prizes": "賞金を回収",
"You won": "獲得賞金: ",
"Calculating rewards": "報酬を計算しています",
"Buying multiple tickets in a single transaction gives a discount. The discount increases in a linear way, up to the maximum of 100 tickets:": "1つの取引で複数の宝くじ券を購入すると、割引があります。割引は、最大100枚の宝くじ券まで直線的に増加します。",
"2 tickets: 0.05%": "宝くじ券2枚: 0.05%",
"50 tickets: 2.45%": "宝くじ券50枚: 2.45%",
"100 tickets: 4.95%": "宝くじ券100枚: 4.95%",
"You pay": "支払い額: ",
"Lottery Now Live": "宝くじを現在実施中",
"Play Now": "今すぐプレイ",
"Over %amount% in Prizes!": "賞金額%amount%以上!",
"Next Auction": "次のオークション",
"Auction Schedule": "オークションのスケジュール",
"%numHours% hours": "%numHours%時間",
"To be announced": "未定",
"Auction Leaderboard": "オークションリーダーボード",
"How does it work?": "仕組み",
"Step 1: Submit application": "ステップ1: 申請フォームを提出",
"Projects can submit an application to sponsor a yield farm and/or pool on PancakeSwap via the ": "プロジェクトは、申請フォームによりPancakeSwapでのイールドファーム、プール、またはその両方をスポンサーする申請書を提出することができます。",
"Application Form": " ",
"Step 2: Await whitelisting": "ステップ2: ホワイトリストを待つ",
"The PancakeSwap team will try to respond within a week.": "PancakeSwapチームは1週間以内に応答できるよう努めます。",
"Community Farm qualifiers will be asked to provide the address of the wallet which you’ll use for bidding CAKE in the auction.": "Community Farm qualifiers will be asked to provide the address of the wallet which you’ll use for bidding CAKE in the auction.",
"Core Farm/Pool qualifiers will receive further directions separately.": "Core Farm/Pool qualifiers will receive further directions separately.",
"Step 3: During the auction": "Step 3: During the auction",
Expand Down

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