Open Command Prompt app and check if path includes node by running the command:
$ node
If you don't have it, install from - Try to run node again. If node is not recognised, then include it into your path by running:
Win: Commands that print PATH and set a new one:
$ path
$ echo %PATH%
$ SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
Mac usually updates path automatically while Node installation. If not, command for checking the path:
echo $PATH
Then check again if you have node.
To quit node, press ctl+c twice.
Go the the project folder:
$ cd folder/to/project
Commands | Win | Mac |
See the content of the folder | $ dir | $ ls |
Print working directory | $ cd $ echo %CD% |
$pwd |
Type 'help' for help.
Also, list of common commands in cmd.exe available here.
Using environment variables with Cmd.exe here.
$ npm install
This will install all project dependencies (modules) under node_modules folder which were declared in package.json file.
Commands | Win | Mac |
Compile | $ %cd%\node_modules.bin\webpack.cmd $ %bin%\webpack.cmd (if alias 'bin' was set) |
$ $(npm bin)/webpack |
This will compile the code with webpack in the current directory. The 'dist' folder and its content will be created. Notes: set alias in Win:
$ set "bin=%cd%\node_modules\.bin"
Automatically recompile with webpack after every change with '--watch':
$ %bin%\webpack.cmd --watch
For more information about Webpack installation: go to -
After Webpack compiles the source code, it builds ApnAPI.js file and creates a source map file - 'dist/maps/'. For production code we need to remove the reference to the source map file, so
//# sourceMappingURL=/path/to/
For more information about source map:
We don't want to ship our product together with a source map (we want to be very confidential, by keeping ApnAPI.js minified, sort of encrypted), but we want to debug our minified ApnAPI.js code with a source map. Chrome dev-tools allow to append a source map file to any *.js file from URL only (they don't support loading it from a local disc). So we need to run a web server (that was already installed from dev dependencies in package.json):
$ %bin%\webpack-dev-server.cmd
$ $(npm bin)/webpack-dev-server
Independent of what your working directory is, you can get the path of locally installed binaries with npm bin.
If webpack-dev-server is not running in the browser, try:
Instead of - http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/
use -
For more information about webpack-dev-server:
Now we can access a source map file via URL:
Then right click in chrome dev-tools at the minified ApnAPI.js file in the sources tab of chrome dev-tools, choose the option 'Add Source Map...' and enter a proper URL.
- To learn more about webpack follow all the steps in a short tutorial:
- Another tutorial:
- webpack.config.js example:
- Stylesheets:
- This file was written with markdown syntax.