Hi there,
This is the canvas for our little tech test. Please read the instructions to get started.
Get started:
- Fork this repository
- You need to create a Single Page App using Angular
- You can add and use any tools, library or plugin you need to get the job done
- The test duration is 2 hours: remember that HOW you do things is more important than HOW MUCH work you do.
Once your work is done:
- Make sure the application works out-of-the box
- In the Setup section here above, describe how to run your project
- Push your work to your fork
You will be building an application to display and manage SERIES of TILES. A TILE has a squared shape and a colour. A SERIE has a name and contains one or more TILES.
The app UI will have to panes: 1) a side bar to display the names of the series, 2) a main pane to display the tiles in the selected serie.
The main features are:
- As a user, I can select a SERIE by clicking on its name, and see the TILES in that series.
- As a user, I can switch a TILE into another SERIE, by dragging the TILE on to the name of its new SERIE (drag-and-drop).
If you have some time left, you can push your project a bit further with some of those features:
- As a user, I can change the color of a TILE
- As a user, I can create a new SERIE
- As a user, I can create a new TILE
- As a user, I can view all my TILES
- Any other feature you'd like to add!