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gpeyre committed Sep 30, 2013
0 parents commit 0cd622c
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Showing 1,730 changed files with 367,897 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions readme
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Contains all my matlab toolboxes.

Note that these toolboxes are not anymore developped, and you should go online to
for updated codes.

Copyright (c) 2013 Gabriel Peyre
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions startup.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
% set the paths for all the tooboxes
% Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriel Peyre

% return;

% base directory for the toolboxes
rep = 'Desktop/dev/matlab/matlabcompanion/toolbox/';
rep = '/Volumes/gpeyre 1/matlab/toolbox/';

% return;

if not(rep(1)=='/');

% retrieve the user name
s = pwd();
f = strfind(s, '/');
s = s(1:f(3));
rep = [s rep];


rep_old = pwd;

A = dir('toolbox_*');
for i=1:length(A)
name = A(i).name;
if not(strcmp(name(end-2:end), 'zip'))
path(path, [rep name]);

% set default font size larger

114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions toolbox_alpert/build_alpert_matrix_1d.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
function V = build_alpert_matrix(x,k)

% build_alpert_matrix - build 1D Alpert basis
% adapted for the sampling provided.
% V = build_alpert_matrix(pos,k);
% 'pos' is a 1D vector, the location of the points.
% 'k' is the number of vanishing moments (1=>Haar, 2=>linear basis ...).
% 'V' is an orthogonal matrix, each column is a basis vector.
% Copyright (c) 2004 Gabriel Peyré

n = length(x);
x = x(:);

if n<k

% first sort the sampling, and record the order !!
[x,I] = sort(x);

% find a regroupement
options.ptmax = k;
[part,B,G] = dichotomic_grouping(x',options);

P = length(G); % number of groups

% we have got nbr.packets = 2^(J-1)
J = log2(P)+1;

si = [0, cumsum(G)]+1; % si(i) is the index of the 1st point of ith group

% initialization of moments matrices
for i = 1:P
% build moment matrix
xs = x( si(i):(si(i+1)-1) ); % selected points

kk = G(i); % nbr of point in this bin, ie. 2k in regular case
% for bookkeeping we need 2*k polynmials
[xJ,xI] = meshgrid(0:2*k-1,0:kk-1);
Mi{i} = xs(xI+1).^xJ;
% for orthogonalization the matrix must be square
[xJ,xI] = meshgrid(0:kk-1, 0:kk-1);
M = xs(xI+1).^xJ;
[Ui{i},R] = qr(M); Ui{i} = transpose(Ui{i});

% initialization of first matrix
U = zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:P
selj = si(i):(si(i+1)-1); % selected column
% to keep : upper part is of size n-P*k
offs = si(i)-(i-1)*k; % offset on row
long = G(i)-k; % length on row
U( offs + (0:long-1), selj ) = Ui{i}((k+1):end, :); % we keep the G(i)-k last
% to retransform : lower part is of size P*k
offs = n - P*k+1 + (i-1)*k;
U( offs+(0:k-1), selj ) = Ui{i}(1:k, :); % the first k doesn't have vanishing moments, keep them

for j=2:J % for each scale

% at this scale, we have nj = P/2^(j-1) groups
nj = P/2^(j-1) ; % n/(2^j*k);
mj = nj*2*k; % total length of the blocks

% update each sub matrix
for i = 1:nj

M = zeros(2*k, 2*k);
M(1:k,:) = Ui{2*i-1}(1:k,:) * Mi{2*i-1}; % Ui^U is just k first row
M((k+1):2*k,:) = Ui{2*i}(1:k,:) * Mi{2*i};
MMi{i} = M;
[UUi{i},R] = qr(MMi{i}); UUi{i} = transpose(UUi{i});

Mi = MMi;
Ui = UUi;

% lower part of the multiplicative matrix
UU = zeros(mj,mj);
for i = 1:nj
UU( k*(i-1)+(1:k), 2*k*(i-1)+(1:2*k) ) = mlow( Ui{i} );
UU( mj/2+k*(i-1)+(1:k), 2*k*(i-1)+(1:2*k) ) = mup( Ui{i} );

% multiplicative matrix
Uj = eye(n);
Uj( (end-mj+1):end, (end-mj+1):end ) = UU;

% update vectors
U = Uj*U;

V = U';

% reorder the index of the vectors !
II = reverse_permutation(I);
V = V(II,:);

% extract uper part of the matrix
function MU = mup(M)
MU = M(1:end/2, :);

% extract lower part of the matrix
function ML = mlow(M)
ML = M((end/2+1):end, :);
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions toolbox_alpert/build_alpert_matrix_2d.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
function V = build_alpert_matrix_2d(pos,k, options)

% build_alpert_matrix_2d - build 2D Alpert basis adapted to the sampling provided.
% V = build_alpert_matrix_2d(pos,k);
% The basis is hierarchical with respect to X direction ...
% 'pos' is a 2D vector, pos(:,i) is the ith point.
% 'k' is the number of vanishing moments (1=>Haar, 2=>linear basis ...).
% 'V' is an orthogonal matrix, each column is a basis vector.
% Copyright (c) 2004 Gabriel Peyré

if nargin<3
options.null = 0;

if isfield(options, 'part_type')
part_type = options.part_type;
part_type = '1axis';

if isfield(options, 'part')
part = options.part;
part = [];

use_scaling = 1;

% number of points
n = size(pos,2);
if n==0
V = [];

if n<k^2
% special case, not enough data
k = floor(sqrt(n));

k2 = k^2;

% find a regroupement
if isempty(part)
clear options;
options.ptmax = k2;
options.part_type = part_type;
[part,B,G] = dichotomic_grouping(pos(1,:),options);

P = length(G); % number of groups

% we have got nbr.packets = 2^(J-1)
J = log2(P)+1;

si = [0, cumsum(G)]+1; % si(i) is the index of the 1st point of ith group

% initialization of moments matrices
for i = 1:P

seli = part{i};
% build moment matrix
xs = pos( 1,seli ); % selected points, x component
ys = pos( 2,seli ); % selected points, y component

kk = length(seli); % nbr of point in this bin, ie. 2k^2 in regular case
M = zeros( kk, 2*k2 );
for ii=1:kk
j = 0;
% first part : polynoms X^j1*Y^j2 for 0<=j1,j2<k
% second part : polynoms X^j1*Y^j2 for k<=j1<2k and 0<=j2<k
for j1=1:2*k
for j2=1:k
j = j+1;
M(ii,j) = xs(ii)^(j1-1) * ys(ii)^(j2-1);

Mi{i} = M;
% orthogonalize
[Ui{i},R] = qr(Mi{i}); Ui{i} = transpose(Ui{i});

% initialization of first matrix
U = zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:P
selj = part{i}; % selected column
% to keep : upper part is of size n-P*k^2
offs = si(i)-(i-1)*k2; % offset on row
long = G(i)-k2; % length on row
U( offs + (0:long-1), selj ) = Ui{i}((k2+1):end, :); % we keep the G(i)-k^2 last
% to retransform : lower part is of size P*k2
offs = n - P*k2+1 + (i-1)*k2;
if offs>0
U( offs+(0:k2-1), selj ) = Ui{i}(1:k2, :); % the first k^2 doesn't have vanishing moments, keep them
warning('Pbm empty bin.');
% bug ...

for j=2:J % for each scale

% at this scale, we have nj = P/2^(j-1) groups
nj = P/2^(j-1) ; % n/(2^j*k);
mj = nj*2*k2; % total length of the blocks

% update each sub matrix
for i = 1:nj

M = zeros(2*k2, 2*k2);
M(1:k2,:) = Ui{2*i-1}(1:k2,:) * Mi{2*i-1}; % Ui^U is just k first row
M((k2+1):2*k2,:) = Ui{2*i}(1:k2,:) * Mi{2*i};
MMi{i} = M;
[UUi{i},R] = qr(MMi{i}); UUi{i} = transpose(UUi{i});

Mi = MMi;
Ui = UUi;

% lower part of the multiplicative matrix
UU = zeros(mj,mj);
for i = 1:nj
UU( k2*(i-1)+(1:k2), 2*k2*(i-1)+(1:2*k2) ) = mlow( Ui{i} );
UU( mj/2+k2*(i-1)+(1:k2), 2*k2*(i-1)+(1:2*k2) ) = mup( Ui{i} );

% multiplicative matrix
Uj = eye(n);
Uj( (end-mj+1):end, (end-mj+1):end ) = UU;

% update vectors
U = Uj*U;

V = U';

% extract uper part of the matrix
function MU = mup(M)
MU = M(1:end/2, :);

% extract lower part of the matrix
function ML = mlow(M)
ML = M((end/2+1):end, :);
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions toolbox_alpert/compile_mex.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% compile mex file
mex mex/perform_moment_transform.cpp mex/perform_moment_transform_mex.cpp

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