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Tags: gprasanthkumar/AzureHunter



Toggle 1.6.0's commit message
Merging Updates into Main +semver: patch +tag +release +publish

* Introduced Sylvan.Data.Csv .NET library for blazing fast processing of CSV files (only applied to one playbook so far)
* Added new Playbook AzHunter.Playbook.eDisco.SummaryReportCleaner to process Azure eDisco Summary Reports
* Added new Playbook AzHunter.Playbook.UAL.RecordTypeExporter to break down UAL logs into its individual RecordTypes to facilitate DFIR analysis
* Renamed Invoke-HuntAzureAuditLogs.ps1 to Invoke-AzHunterPlaybook.ps1 for better consistency
* Now you can pass in Playbook Parameters to a particular playbook using the "PlayBookParameters" parameter in Invoke-AzHunterPlaybook


Toggle 1.5.1's commit message
Fixing CI/CD Pipeline +semver: patch +tag +release +publish


Toggle 1.4.0's commit message
Fixing time flow control +semver: minor +tag +release +publish

* Fixing time interval flow control logic
* Switching time flow control logic to AzureSearcher class to make for cleaner code
* Adding GIF demo to README
* Adding PowershellGallery download badge


Toggle 1.3.11's commit message
+semver: patch +tag +release +publish