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grammati committed Nov 3, 2011
1 parent 52997fe commit 5801bd3
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 40 deletions.
89 changes: 49 additions & 40 deletions src/rapscallion/xml.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,13 +110,36 @@
;; Parsing XML

(defn pipe
"Returns a `pipe`, as [put s], where put is a function that will put
items into the pipe, and s is a blocking seq of the items in the
The optional parameter is a map of options. Supported options are:
:capacity - The capacity of the underlying LinkedBlockingQueue.
Default: 256 (TBD)
:sentinel - A value that signals the end of the seq.
Default: nil
;; TODO - This is not xml-specific - move it somewhere else?
;; TODO - Write a benchmark to choose the "best" default for
;; capacity, and for whether to use Array or Linked blocking queue.
[& [{:keys [capacity sentinel] :or {capacity 256 sentinel nil}}]]
(let [q (LinkedBlockingQueue. capacity)
NIL (Object.) ; LBQ cannot handle real nils
put (fn [o] (.put q (if (nil? o) NIL o)))
pop (fn [] (let [o (.take q)]
(if (identical? o NIL) nil o)))
s (take-while (partial not= sentinel) (repeatedly pop))]
[put s]))

;; swiped from data.xml:
(defn attrs->map [^Attributes atts]
(defn attrs->map[^Attributes atts]
(into {} (for [i (range (.getLength atts))]
[(keyword (.getQName atts i))
(.getValue atts i)])))

(defn simple-handler
(defn make-handler
"Return an instance of org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2 that will
handle SAX events by calling the supplied function, passing a vector
of 1, 2 or 3 items, the first being the event type as a keyword, and
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(defn pipe
"Returns a `pipe`, as [put s], where put is a function that will put
items into the pipe, and s is a blocking seq of the items in the
The optional parameter is a map of options. Supported options are:
:capacity - The capacity of the underlying LinkedBlockingQueue.
Default: 256 (TBD)
:sentinel - A value that signals the end of the seq.
Default: nil
[& [{:keys [capacity sentinel] :or {capacity 256 sentinel nil}}]]
(let [q (LinkedBlockingQueue. capacity)
NIL (Object.) ; LBQ cannot handle real nils
put (fn [o] (.put q (if (nil? o) NIL o)))
pop (fn [] (let [o (.take q)]
(if (identical? o NIL) nil o)))
s (take-while (partial not= sentinel) (repeatedly pop))]
[put s]))

(defprotocol AsInputSource
(input-source [this] "Wrap this object as an instance of org.xml.sax.InputSource"))

Expand All @@ -204,26 +207,32 @@
(InputSource. (io/reader o))))

(defn parse [in]
(defn event-seq
(let [in (input-source in)
p (XMLReaderFactory/createXMLReader)
[put event-seq] (pipe)
handler (simple-handler put)]
(.setContentHandler p handler)
(.setProperty p "" handler)
parser (XMLReaderFactory/createXMLReader)
[put events] (pipe)
handler (make-handler put)]
(.setContentHandler parser handler)
(.setProperty parser "" handler)
;; TODO catch exceptions
(.parse p in)
(put nil))

#_(defn parse
"Like clojure.xml/parse, but also accepts a string containing XML."
(let [in (if (and (string? in) (.startsWith in "<"))
(-> in .getBytes ;FIXME - not right - encoding!
(elementize (clojure.xml/parse in))))
(.parse parser in)
(catch Exception e
(put [:error e]))
(put nil))))

;;; Transformations of event streams
(defn merge-text
"Transform the event stream so that adjacent bits of text are
emitted as a single text event."
[[type & _] & events]
(if (= type :characters)
(cons [:characters (apply str (map second (take-while)))])))
(let [[text events] (split-with text-event? events)]))

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