A Minecraft plugin built using the Spigot API which sends player location information to a web socket.
This plugin was created after numerous attempts to provide a vanilla Minecraft way of providing player location data to external sources.
See minecraft-player-locations and the branches therein. As it turns out, RCON is a terrible communication protocol for interacting with Minecraft. In addition, it requires more constant upkeep with Minecraft's command system.
This works in conjunction with Overviewer-Info-Plugin which handles the front-end rendering of players on an overviewer map.
The PlayerLocations.jar file can be placed in the plugins
directory of a Spigot, PaperMC, or other Bukkit derivitave Minecraft server.
port: 8888
host: localhost
tick_interval: 100
socket_server.port: The server port to listen for socket requests
socket_server.host: The hostname to listen for socket requests
socket_server.tick_interval: How often, in server ticks, the information should be broadcasted to connected socket clients
The information sent through the web socket is JSON data. For an example of how to implement this on the client side, see the Overviewer-Info-Plugin mentioned above. The default output uses the following structure:
"webClients": int,
"timeOfDay": int,
"name": str,
"position": {
"x": double,
"y": double,
"z": double,
"dimension": str
"health": double,
"level": int,
"air": int,
"food": int
There may be some inconsistency when using plugins which create additional worlds which use custom environments (dimensions). There is also a limitiation to how this is tied to Overviewer renders which must be overcome.
If you would like to add additional information to the socket using a custom plugin, add PlayerLocations to your plugin's dependency or soft dependency list in your plugin.yml
name: YourPluginName
main: com.your.plugin.YourPlugin
version: 0.17
api-version: 1.17
depend: [PlayerLocations]
softdepend: [PlayerLocations]
In your plugin project, add PlayerLocationsAPI as a dependency. The JAR is available as an artifact in each release.
In your plugin, use the following example to add an element with a key of "newInformation"
and a value of "I've extended the PlayerLocations Plugin!"
package com.your.plugin;
import com.archmageinc.playerlocations.api.InfoRegistrar;
import com.archmageinc.playerlocations.api.InfoHandler;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class YourPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements InfoHandler {
public void onEnable() {
InfoRegistrar playerLocationsPlugin = (InfoRegistrar) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlayerLocations");
public Map<String, Object> getInfo() {
Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap();
info.put("newInformation" , "I've extended the PlayerLocations Plugin!");
return info;
Since this uses ObjectMapper to convert the objects, there is a lot of flexibility on what can be sent.