I'm Grant Gabriel Tambunan, an IT Student at University of North Sumatra.
🌱 I’m currently learning about Web Development, UI/UX, Data Science, Mobile Programming, and a lotta more !
💬 Ask me about anything! Ill be happy to reply ^^
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any Project, so feel free to reach me !
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
or connect with me via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/grantgabrieltambunan/
Here are some of my interests:
- ☁ Cloud Computing
- 🌐 Web Development
- 📱 Mobile Development
- 📊 Data Science / Analyst
- 👨💻 Competitive Programming
- 🎮 Gaming
- 🎵 Music
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
interface CurrentSchool {
institution: string;
position: string;
interface AboutMeState {
currentSchool: Partial<CurrentSchool>;
dailyKnowledge: string[];
fullName: string;
interface AboutMeHook {
aboutMe: AboutMeState;
export default function useAboutMe(): AboutMeHook {
const [aboutMe, setAboutMe] = useState<AboutMeState>({
currentSchool: {},
dailyKnowledge: [],
fullName: ''
const setFullName = useCallback(() => {
fullName: 'Grant Gabriel Tambunan'
}, [aboutMe]);
const setCurrentSchool = useCallback(() => {
currentSchool: {
institution: 'University of North Sumatra',
position: 'Software Engineer (Soon)'
}, [aboutMe]);
const setDailyKnowledge = useCallback(() => {
dailyKnowledge: [
}, [aboutMe]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [setFullName, setDailyKnowledge, setCurrentSchool]);
return { aboutMe };
Thanks for stopping by! ^3^)/ ~