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Merge pull request #229 from granule-project/fractional
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Fractional permissions for mutable and immutable borrowing
  • Loading branch information
dorchard authored Nov 22, 2024
2 parents dfc2314 + f861c0d commit 2a2e347
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Showing 45 changed files with 1,068 additions and 158 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion StdLib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Result
import Maybe
import Bool

data List a where Empty; Next a (List a)
data List a where Empty | Next a (List a)

--- Append two lists
append_list : forall {a : Type} . List a -> List a -> List a
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions StdLib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ uncons
uncons (Cons x xs) = (x,xs)

--- Split a vector at position 'n'
: forall {a : Type, m n : Nat}
. N n -> (Vec (n + m) a) -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split Z xs = (Nil, xs);
split (S n) (Cons x xs) = let (xs', ys') = split n xs in (Cons x xs', ys')
splitVec Z xs = (Nil, xs);
splitVec (S n) (Cons x xs) = let (xs', ys') = splitVec n xs in (Cons x xs', ys')

--- Sum a vector of integers (using `foldr`)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/Language/Granule/Compiler/HSCodegen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,15 +134,18 @@ cgType (GrType.TyApp t1 t2) =
t2' <- cgType t2
return $ Hs.TyApp () t1' t2'
cgType (GrType.Star _t t2) = cgType t2
cgType (GrType.Borrow _t t2) = cgType t2
cgType (GrType.TyInt i) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TyRational ri) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TyFraction ri) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TyGrade mt i) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TyInfix t1 t2 t3) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TySet p l_t) = return mkUnit
cgType (GrType.TyCase t l_p_tt) = unsupported "cgType: tycase not implemented"
cgType (GrType.TySig t t2) = unsupported "cgType: tysig not implemented"
cgType (GrType.TyExists _ _ _) = unsupported "cgType: tyexists not implemented"
cgType (GrType.TyForall _ _ _) = unsupported "cgType: tyforall not implemented"
cgType (GrType.TyName _) = unsupported "cgType: tyname not implemented"

isTupleType :: GrType.Type -> Bool
isTupleType (GrType.TyApp (GrType.TyCon id) _) = id == Id "," ","
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20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions docs/style.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,16 @@ body {

.code pre {
white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
white-space: pre-wrap;
/* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
/* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap;
/* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
/* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word;
/* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */

.inline {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +70,11 @@ body {
color: rgb(194, 2, 50);

.perm span {
color: rgb(34, 102, 34);

#navigator {
width: calc(25vw - 20px - 2 * 20px);
margin: 0px;
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import List

data Labels = Toss | Drop

-- Operations
-- (Sigma functor) - Signature of operations
data GameOps : Set Labels -> Type -> Type where
FlipCoin : forall {r : Type} . () -> (Bool -> r) [2] -> GameOps {Toss} r;
Fumble : forall {r : Type} . () -> (Void -> r) [0] -> GameOps {Drop} r
Expand All @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ foo = call FlipCoin ()

-- Two coin flips, all good
example1 : (Bool, Bool) <Eff (Set Labels) GameOps {Toss}>
example1 = let
example1 = let -- do x <- ...
x <- call FlipCoin ();
y <- call FlipCoin ()
in pure (x, y)
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import Parallel
import Prelude
import Vec

--- Convert an indexed natural number to an untyped int
: forall {n : Nat}
. N n -> Int
natToInt' Z = 0;
natToInt' (S m) = 1 + natToInt' m

toFloatArray : forall {n : Nat} . Vec n Float -> exists {id : Name} . *(FloatArray id)
toFloatArray v =
let (n', v) = length' v
in unpack <id, arr> = newFloatArray (natToInt' n')
in pack <id, (toFloatArrayAux arr [0] v)> as exists {id : Name} . *(FloatArray id)

toFloatArrayAux : forall {n : Nat, id : Name} . *(FloatArray id) -> Int [n] -> Vec n Float -> *(FloatArray id)
toFloatArrayAux a [n] Nil = a;
toFloatArrayAux a [n] (Cons x xs) =
toFloatArrayAux (writeFloatArray a n x) [n + 1] xs

sumFromTo : forall {id : Name, f : Fraction} . & f (FloatArray id) -> !Int -> !Int -> (Float, & f (FloatArray id))
sumFromTo array [i] [n] =
if i == n
then (0.0, array)
let (x, a) = readFloatArray array i;
(y, arr) = sumFromTo a [i+1] [n]
in (x + y, arr)

-- A reference to a droppable value can be written to without violating linearity
writeRef : forall {a : Type, id : Name} . {Dropable a} => a -> & 1 (Ref id a) -> & 1 (Ref id a)
writeRef x r = let
(y, r') = swapRef r x;
() = drop@a y in r'

parSum : forall {id id' : Name} . *(FloatArray id) -> *(Ref id' Float) -> *(Ref id' Float, FloatArray id)
parSum array ref = let
([n], array) : (!Int, *(FloatArray id)) = lengthFloatArray array;
compIn = borrowPull (ref, array)
in flip withBorrow compIn (\compIn ->

let (ref, array) = borrowPush compIn;
(array1, array2) = split array;

-- Compute in parallel
((x, array1), (y, array2)) =
par (\() -> sumFromTo array1 [0] [div n 2])
(\() -> sumFromTo array2 [div n 2] [n]);

-- Update the reference
ref' = writeRef ((x : Float) + y) ref;
compOut = borrowPull (ref', join (array1, array2))

in compOut)

main : Float
main =
unpack <id , arr> = toFloatArray (Cons 10.0 (Cons 20.0 (Cons 30.0 (Cons 40.0 Nil)))) in
unpack <id', ref> = newRef 0.0 in
(result, array) = borrowPush (parSum arr ref);
() = deleteFloatArray array
in freezeRef result
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
example : ()
example = unpack <id , a> = newFloatArray 3 in
clone (share a) as x in
unpack <id' , a'> = x in (deleteFloatArray a')
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions frontend/granule-frontend.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ library
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94 changes: 92 additions & 2 deletions frontend/src/Language/Granule/Checker/Checker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -663,6 +663,22 @@ checkExpr defs gam pol topLevel tau
throw $ TypeError { errLoc = s, tyExpected = TyCon $ mkId "DFloat", tyActual = tau }

-- Clone
-- Pattern match on an applicable of `uniqueBind fun e`
checkExpr defs gam pol topLevel tau
expr@(App s a rf
(App _ _ _
(Val _ _ _ (Var _ (internalName -> "uniqueBind")))
(Val _ _ _ (Abs _ (PVar _ _ _ var) _ body)))
e) = do
debugM "checkExpr[Clone]" (pretty s <> " : " <> pretty tau)
(tau', gam, subst, elab) <- synthExpr defs gam pol expr
-- Check the return types match
(eqT, _, substTy) <- equalTypes s tau tau'
unless eqT $ throw TypeError{ errLoc = s, tyExpected = tau, tyActual = tau' }
substF <- combineSubstitutions s subst substTy
return (gam, subst, elab)

-- Application checking
checkExpr defs gam pol topLevel tau (App s a rf e1 e2) | (usingExtension GradedBase) = do
debugM "checkExpr[App]-gradedBase" (pretty s <> " : " <> pretty tau)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,6 +761,15 @@ checkExpr defs gam pol _ ty@(Star demand tau) (Val s _ rf (Nec _ e)) = do
let elaborated = Val s ty rf (Nec tau elaboratedE)
return (gam', subst, elaborated)

checkExpr defs gam pol _ ty@(Borrow demand tau) (Val s _ rf (Ref _ e)) = do
debugM "checkExpr[Borrow]" (pretty s <> " : " <> pretty ty)

-- Checker the expression being borrowed
(gam', subst, elaboratedE) <- checkExpr defs gam pol False tau e

let elaborated = Val s ty rf (Ref tau elaboratedE)
return (gam', subst, elaborated)

-- Check a case expression
checkExpr defs gam pol True tau (Case s _ rf guardExpr cases) = do
debugM "checkExpr[Case]" (pretty s <> " : " <> pretty tau)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -888,8 +913,9 @@ synthExpr :: (?globals :: Globals)

-- Hit an unfilled hole
synthExpr _ ctxt _ (Hole s _ _ _ _) = do
st <- get
debugM "synthExpr[Hole]" (pretty s)
throw $ InvalidHolePosition s
throw $ InvalidHolePosition s ctxt (tyVarContext st)

-- Literals can have their type easily synthesised
synthExpr _ _ _ (Val s _ rf (NumInt n)) = do
Expand All @@ -912,6 +938,51 @@ synthExpr _ _ _ (Val s _ rf (StringLiteral c)) = do
let t = TyCon $ mkId "String"
return (t, usedGhostVariableContext, [], Val s t rf (StringLiteral c))

-- Clone
-- Pattern match on an applicable of `uniqueBind fun e`
synthExpr defs gam pol
expr@(App s a rf
(App _ _ _
(Val _ _ _ (Var _ (internalName -> "uniqueBind")))
(Val _ _ _ (Abs _ (PVar _ _ _ var) _ body)))
e) = do
debugM "synthExpr[uniqueBind]" (pretty s <> pretty expr)
-- Infer the type of e (the boxed argument)
(ty, ghostVarCtxt, subst0, elabE) <- synthExpr defs gam pol e
-- Check that ty is actually a boxed type
case ty of
Box r tyA -> do
-- existential type for the cloned var ((exists {id : Name} . *(Rename id a))
idVar <- mkId <$> freshIdentifierBase "id"
let clonedInputTy =
TyExists idVar (TyCon $ mkId "Name")
(Borrow (TyCon $ mkId "Star") (TyApp (TyApp (TyCon $ mkId "Rename") (TyVar idVar)) tyA))
let clonedAssumption = (var, Linear clonedInputTy)

debugM "synthExpr[uniqueBind]body" (pretty clonedAssumption)
-- synthesise the type of the body for the clone
(tyB, ghostVarCtxt', subst1, elabBody) <- synthExpr defs (clonedAssumption : gam) pol body

let contType = FunTy Nothing Nothing (Box r tyA) tyB
let funType = FunTy Nothing Nothing clonedInputTy tyB
let cloneType = FunTy Nothing Nothing contType funType
let elab = App s tyB rf
(App s contType rf (Val s cloneType rf (Var cloneType $ mkId "uniqueBind"))
(Val s funType rf (Abs funType (PVar s clonedInputTy rf var) Nothing elabBody))) elabE

-- Add constraints of `clone`
-- Constraint that 1 : s <= r
(semiring, subst2, _) <- synthKind s r
let constraint = ApproximatedBy s (TyGrade (Just semiring) 1) r semiring
addConstraint constraint
-- Cloneable constraint
otherTypeConstraints <- enforceConstraints s [TyApp (TyCon $ mkId "Cloneable") tyA]
registerWantedTypeConstraints otherTypeConstraints

substFinal <- combineSubstitutions s subst0 subst1
return (tyB, ghostVarCtxt <> (deleteVar var ghostVarCtxt'), substFinal, elab)
_ -> throw TypeError{ errLoc = s, tyExpected = Box (TyVar $ mkId "a") (TyVar $ mkId "b"), tyActual = ty }

-- Secret syntactic weakening
synthExpr defs gam pol
(App s _ _ (Val _ _ _ (Var _ (sourceName -> "weak__"))) v@(Val _ _ _ (Var _ x))) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1195,7 +1266,7 @@ synthExpr defs gam pol (TryCatch s _ rf e1 p mty e2 e3) = do

-- Variables
synthExpr defs gam _ (Val s _ rf (Var _ x)) = do
debugM "synthExpr[Var]" (pretty s)
debugM ("synthExpr[Var] - " <> pretty x) (pretty s)

-- Try the local context
case lookup x gam of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1387,6 +1458,25 @@ synthExpr defs gam pol (Val s _ rf (Nec _ e)) = do
let elaborated = Val s finalTy rf (Nec t elaboratedE)
return (finalTy, gam', subst, elaborated)

-- Infer type for references
synthExpr defs gam pol (Val s _ rf (Ref _ e)) = do
debugM "synthExpr[Ref]" (pretty s)

-- Create a fresh kind variable for this permission
vark <- freshIdentifierBase $ "kref_[" <> pretty (startPos s) <> "]"
-- remember this new kind variable in the kind environment
modify (\st -> st { tyVarContext = (mkId vark, (kguarantee, InstanceQ)) : tyVarContext st })

-- Create a fresh permission variable for the permission of the borrowed expression
var <- freshTyVarInContext (mkId $ "ref_[" <> pretty (startPos s) <> "]") (tyVar vark)

-- Synth type of necessitated expression
(t, gam', subst, elaboratedE) <- synthExpr defs gam pol e

let finalTy = Borrow (TyVar var) t
let elaborated = Val s finalTy rf (Ref t elaboratedE)
return (finalTy, gam', subst, elaborated)

-- BinOp
synthExpr defs gam pol (Binop s _ rf op e1 e2) = do
debugM "synthExpr[BinOp]" (pretty s)
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions frontend/src/Language/Granule/Checker/CoeffectsTypeConverter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
module Language.Granule.Checker.CoeffectsTypeConverter(includeOnlyGradeVariables, tyVarContextExistential) where

import Control.Monad.Except (catchError)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, mapMaybe)

import Language.Granule.Checker.Monad
import Language.Granule.Checker.Predicates
import Language.Granule.Checker.Kinding (checkKind)
import Language.Granule.Checker.Kinding (requiresSolver)

import Language.Granule.Context

Expand All @@ -22,9 +21,11 @@ includeOnlyGradeVariables :: (?globals :: Globals)
=> Span -> Ctxt (Type, b) -> Checker (Ctxt (Type, b))
includeOnlyGradeVariables s xs = mapM convert xs >>= (return . catMaybes)
convert (var, (t, q)) = (do
k <- checkKind s t kcoeffect <|> checkKind s t keffect
return $ Just (var, (t, q))) `catchError` const (return Nothing)
convert (var, (t, q)) = do
reqSolver <- requiresSolver s t
return $ if reqSolver
then Just (var, (t, q))
else Nothing

tyVarContextExistential :: Checker (Ctxt (Type, Quantifier))
tyVarContextExistential = do
Expand Down

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