Information propagation is the key idea that con-tributes to the recent success of graph neural net-work on various tasks. However, there still lacksan efficient framework that is able to achieve globalmessage passing across the whole graph. In thiswork, we present graph star net (GraphStar), anovel and unified graph neural network architec-ture that achieves non-local graphical representa-tion through topological modification of the originalgraph. In particular, we propose to use a virtual“star” node to propagate global information to allreal nodes, which significantly increase the represen-tation power without increasing the model depth orbearing heavy computational complexity. Throughextensive experiments, we provide a general pictureof how the proposed topological change affects theperformance of graph neural network on the threemajor graph tasks. Specifically, we show that intro-ducing the “star” node to effectively integrate distalinformation significantly improves the performanceof link prediction task, leading to state-of-the-arts(SOTA) performances on three benchmark datasets.On graph classification task, GraphStar achievescomparable performances with the currently bestmodels on multiple benchmark datasets and showssignificantly increased stability. On the node classi-fication task, our results also indicate the superiorperformance of our model on dense graph with in-ductive setting. All these results indicate that the pro-posed topological modification method is a promis-ing strategy for improving the current graph neuralnetwork models.
All datasets in the above, respective classification tasks will be downloaded automatically when executing the script for the first time. Please note that all datasets are publicly obtained online.
The proposed model is evaluated on several popular public datasets including Cora, Citeseer, MUTAG, D&D, and etc. For different tasks, the adopted datasets are different.
- For node classification tasks, we evaluate on Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, PPI, IMDB and etc.
- For link prediction tasks, we evaluate on Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed and etc.
- For graph classification tasks, we tested the following datasets: Enzymes, D&D, Proteins and MUTAG.
- For graph classification in text classification tasks, we evaluate on the following datasets: 20NG, R8, R52, Ohsumed and MR. Those datasets can be created following the Pytorch_geometry required format.
For more information regarding the datasets, please refer to the submitted paper.
The script has been tested under Python 3.6.X and on Nvidia GPU Tesla V100 (with CUDA 9.0 and cuDNN 7 installed). For installing required python packages, please refer to the "requirements.txt".
Normally we have already provided most of the optimal value which we got during traning. So you don't have to change much. Any away, we still explain the main options here.
--device INT/STR GPU ID / Use CPU Default is `0`, use 'cpu' if no GPU is available
--num_star INT Number of Star. Default is 1.
--epochs INT Number of training epochs. Default is 2000.
--lr FLOAT Adam learning rate. Default is 2e-4.
--dropout FLOAT Dropout rate value. Default is 0.0.
--coef_dropout FLOAT Dropout for attention coefficients. Default is 0.0.
--num_layers INT Number of layers. Default is 6.
--hidden INT Number of hidden units. Default is 1024.
--heads INT Multi-head for Attention. Default is 4.
--l2 FLOAT Regularization. Default is 0.
--residual STR Skip connections across attentional layer Default is True.
--residual_star STR Skip connections across attentional star Default is True.
--layer_norm STR Layer normalization Default is True.
--layer_norm_star STR Layer normalization for star Default is True.
--activation STR Activation methods Default is `elu`.
--star_init_method STR Star initialization method Default is `attn`.
--additional_self_loop_relation_type STR As its name implied Default is True.
--additional_node_to_star_relation_type STR As its name implied Default is True.
--relation_score_function STR Score function for relation Default is `DistMult`.
--patience INT Number of patience Default is 100.
--dataset STR Name of dataset Default is "".
- For node classification tasks (cora, citeseer and pubmed .etc), choose related script then try
Prepare Imdb dataset:
cd data
wget && tar zxvf aclImdb_v1.tar.gz
cd ..
python utils/
python --dataset=cora --num_layers=2 --heads=8 --hidden=128 --dropout=0.7 --coef_dropout=0.2 --patience=50 --l2=2e-3 --lr=1e-3 --star_init_method=mean
python --dataset=citeseer --num_layers=2 --heads=8 --hidden=128 --dropout=0.7 --coef_dropout=0.2 --patience=50 --l2=4e-3 --lr=1e-3 --star_init_method=mean
python --dataset=pubmed --num_layers=2 --heads=8 --hidden=128 --dropout=0.7 --coef_dropout=0.2 --patience=50 --l2=1e-4 --lr=5e-3 --star_init_method=mean
- For link prediction tasks (cora, citeseer and pubmed .etc), choose related script then try
python --dataset=pubmed --dropout=0 --hidden=512 --l2=5e-4 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --patience=500 --residual=True --residual_star=True
python --dataset=citeseer --dropout=0 --hidden=2048 --l2=2e-4 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --patience=500 --residual=True --residual_star=True
python --dataset=cora --dropout=0 --hidden=2048 --l2=5e-4 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --patience=200 --residual=True --residual_star=True
- For graph classification tasks (Enzymes, D&D, Proteins), choose related script then try
python --dataset=ENZYMES --dropout=0.2 --coef_dropout=0.2 --hidden=64 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --lr=5e-4 --l2=1e-4 --max_epoch=500
python --dataset=PROTEINS --dropout=0.2 --coef_dropout=0.2 --hidden=512 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --lr=5e-4 --l2=1e-3 --max_epoch=500
python --dataset=DD --dropout=0.2 --coef_dropout=0.2 --hidden=64 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --lr=5e-4 --l2=1e-3 --max_epoch=500
python --dataset=MUTAG --dropout=0 --coef_dropout=0 --hidden=64 --num_layers=3 --cross_layer=False --lr=5e-4 --max_epoch=200
- For text classification tasks, change DATASET value in the script, then try
python # only need at the first time for a single dataset
For graph classification tasks (D&D, Enzymes, Proteins etc.), we adopt 10-fold cross validation as metric to evaluate their performance. A script "log_plot_tools" was created to visualize their results. To use this tool, first you need to save the print out messages during training in a txt file.
If you prefer use linux terminal, you can use the tee command, like the following way.
python run_mutag | tee log.txt
If you use JupyterHub, you can use the magic command %capture to server this purpose, as shown in following figure.
After got the log file, just run the command in a terminal, like:
python --log_dir=./log_file_name.txt \
[ --show_plots=false --save_as_pdf=true]
Models | Cora (Acc) | Citeseer (Acc) | Pubmed (Acc) |
GCN | 0.815 | 0.703 | 0.790 |
GAT | 0.830 | 0.725 | 0.790 |
SGC | 0.806 | 0.714 | 0.770 |
MTGAE | 0.790 | 0.718 | 0.804 |
LGCN | 0.833 | 0.730 | 0.795 |
GraphStar | 0.821(0.012) | 0.71(0.021) | 0.772(0.011) |
Models | PPI (F1-Micro) |
GraphSage | 0.612 |
GAT | 0.973 |
LGCN | 0.772 |
JK-Dense LSTM | 0.500 |
GaAN | 0.987 |
GraphStar | 0.994(0.001) |
Models | IMDB (Acc) |
oh-LSTM | 0.941 |
L Mixed | 0.955 |
BERT large finetune UDA | 0.958 |
GraphStar | 0.960(0.001) |
Models | Enzymes | D&D | Proteins | Mutag |
Seal-Sage | - | 0.809 | 0.772 | - |
Diff Pool | 0.625 | 0.806 | 0.763 | - |
CAPS GNN | 0.574 | 0.754 | 0.763 | 0.867 |
GraphStar | 0.671(0.0027) | 0.796(0.005) | 0.779(0.008) | 0.912(0.021) |
Models | R8 | R52 | 20NG | MR | Ohsumed |
Bi-LSTM | 0.963 | 0.905 | 0.732 | 0.777 | 0.493 |
fastText | 0.961 | 0.928 | 0.794 | 0.751 | 0.557 |
TextGCN | 0.9707 | 0.9356 | 0.8634 | 0.7674 | 0.6836 |
SGCN | 0.9720 | 0.9400 | 0.8850 | 0.7590 | 0.6850 |
GraphStar | 0.974(0.002) | 0.950(0.003) | 0.869(0.003) | 0.766(0.004) | 0.642(0.006) |
Models | Cora | Citeseer | Pubmed |
MTGAE | 0.946 | 0.949 | 0.944 |
VGAE | 0.920 | 0.914 | 0.965 |
GraphStar | 0.959(0.003) | 0.977(0.003) | 0.970(0.001) |
This code is based on the Pytorch_geometry's work, so we would like to thank its contributors (Fey, Matthias and Lenssen, Jan E.) here.