- There is no authentication required to access the user account
- There are 4 different APIs at work here.
- baseURL=""
- API endpoints taken under assumption are /addUser,/payBill,/getBill,/walletUpdate
- if there is no bill to pay, /getBill will return null in response
- customer will pay bill will billID
- /getBill will return with bill id and bill amount
- if need in future the response can be updated in json response instead of static string response
Automation Tool and libraries: RestAssured, Cucumber, Junit, Tidy Gherkins, Maven, Git, extent reports Programming Language: Java, Gherkins
Framework structure
- TestRunner class with use junit to run the test cases
- with multiple feature file and multiple step defination file we can control which test to run
- using hook we will initalize the report creation using extent reports
- we can further update the reporting with listners
- we are using pojo classes to create the request , serlization is done by using object mapper class