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Use ACE data over WMP data where possible
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With this commit energy grid points and cross sections (including inelastic) will be unaffected by included WMP
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smharper committed May 20, 2016
1 parent 24ecc05 commit 5a9dc63
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Showing 2 changed files with 145 additions and 116 deletions.
259 changes: 144 additions & 115 deletions src/multipole.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module multipole
use hdf5_interface
use multipole_header, only: MultipoleArray, FIT_T, FIT_A, FIT_F, &
use search, only: binary_search

implicit none

Expand All @@ -23,25 +24,28 @@ subroutine multipole_read(filename, multipole, i_table)
type(MultipoleArray), intent(out), target :: multipole ! The object to fill
integer, intent(in) :: i_table ! index in nuclides/
! sab_tables

integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer(HID_T) :: group_id

! Intermediate loading components
integer :: NMT
integer :: i, j
integer, allocatable :: MT(:)
logical :: accumulated_fission
character(len=24) :: MT_n ! Takes the form '/nuclide/reactions/MT???'
integer :: is_fissionable
real(8) :: insert_pts(4) ! New points in the energy grid
integer :: cut1, cut2 ! Old indices just outside MP region
integer :: new_n_grid ! Number of points in new E grid
real(8), allocatable :: new_energy(:) ! New energy grid
real(8) :: f1, f2 ! Interpolation near cut1 & cut2
real(8), allocatable :: new_xs(:) ! New cross sections
integer :: i
integer :: IE ! Reaction threshold

associate (nuc => nuclides(i_table))

! Open file for reading and move into the /isotope group
! Copy in data from the file.

! Open file for reading and move into the /isotope group.
file_id = file_open(filename, 'r', parallel=.true.)
group_id = open_group(file_id, "/nuclide")

! Load in all the array size scalars
! Load in all the array size scalars.
call read_dataset(multipole % length, group_id, "length")
call read_dataset(multipole % windows, group_id, "windows")
call read_dataset(multipole % num_l, group_id, "num_l")
Expand All @@ -60,10 +64,10 @@ subroutine multipole_read(filename, multipole, i_table)
call read_dataset(multipole % start_E, group_id, "start_E")
call read_dataset(multipole % end_E, group_id, "end_E")

! Allocate the multipole array components
! Allocate the multipole array components.
call multipole % allocate()

! Read in arrays
! Read in arrays.
call read_dataset(multipole % data, group_id, "data")
call read_dataset(multipole % pseudo_k0RS, group_id, "pseudo_K0RS")
call read_dataset(multipole % l_value, group_id, "l_value")
Expand All @@ -73,113 +77,138 @@ subroutine multipole_read(filename, multipole, i_table)

call read_dataset(multipole % curvefit, group_id, "curvefit")

! Delete ACE pointwise data
call read_dataset(nuc % n_grid, group_id, "n_grid")

deallocate(nuc % energy)
deallocate(nuc % total)
deallocate(nuc % elastic)
deallocate(nuc % fission)
deallocate(nuc % nu_fission)
deallocate(nuc % absorption)

allocate(nuc % energy(nuc % n_grid))
allocate(nuc % total(nuc % n_grid))
allocate(nuc % elastic(nuc % n_grid))
allocate(nuc % fission(nuc % n_grid))
allocate(nuc % nu_fission(nuc % n_grid))
allocate(nuc % absorption(nuc % n_grid))

nuc % total(:) = ZERO
nuc % absorption(:) = ZERO
nuc % fission(:) = ZERO

! Read in new energy axis (converting eV to MeV)
call read_dataset(nuc % energy, group_id, "energy_points")
nuc % energy = nuc % energy / 1.0e6_8

! Get count and list of MT tables
call read_dataset(NMT, group_id, "MT_count")

call read_dataset(MT, group_id, "MT_list")

! Close the file.
call close_group(group_id)
call file_close(file_id)

accumulated_fission = .false.

! Loop over each MT entry and load it into a reaction.
do i = 1, NMT
write(MT_n, '(A, I3.3)') '/nuclide/reactions/MT', MT(i)

group_id = open_group(file_id, MT_n)

! Each MT needs to be treated slightly differently.
select case (MT(i))
call read_dataset(nuc % elastic, group_id, "MT_sigma")
nuc % total(:) = nuc % total + nuc % elastic
call read_dataset(nuc % fission, group_id, "MT_sigma")
nuc % total(:) = nuc % total + nuc % fission
nuc % absorption(:) = nuc % absorption + nuc % fission
accumulated_fission = .true.
case default
! Search through all of our secondary reactions
do j = 1, nuc % n_reaction
if (nuc % reactions(j) % MT == MT(i)) then
! Match found

! Individual Fission components exist, so remove the combined
! fission cross section.
if ( (MT(i) == N_F .or. MT(i) == N_NF .or. MT(i) == N_2NF &
.or. MT(i) == N_3NF) .and. accumulated_fission) then
nuc % total(:) = nuc % total - nuc % fission
nuc % absorption(:) = nuc % absorption - nuc % fission
nuc % fission(:) = ZERO
accumulated_fission = .false.
end if

deallocate(nuc % reactions(j) % sigma)
allocate(nuc % reactions(j) % sigma(nuc % n_grid))

call read_dataset(nuc % reactions(j) % sigma, &
group_id, "MT_sigma")
call read_dataset(nuc % reactions(j) % Q_value, &
group_id, "Q_value")
call read_dataset(nuc % reactions(j) % threshold, &
group_id, "threshold")
nuc % reactions(j) % threshold = 1 ! TODO: reconsider implications.
nuc % reactions(j) % Q_value = nuc % reactions(j) % Q_value &
/ 1.0e6_8

! Accumulate total
if (MT(i) /= N_LEVEL .and. MT(i) <= N_DA) then
nuc % total(:) = nuc % total + nuc % reactions(j) % sigma
end if

! Accumulate absorption
if (MT(i) >= N_GAMMA .and. MT(i) <= N_DA) then
nuc % absorption(:) = nuc % absorption &
+ nuc % reactions(j) % sigma
end if

! Accumulate fission (if needed)
if ( (MT(i) == N_F .or. MT(i) == N_NF .or. MT(i) == N_2NF &
.or. MT(i) == N_3NF) ) then
nuc % fission(:) = nuc % fission + nuc % reactions(j) % sigma
nuc % absorption(:) = nuc % absorption &
+ nuc % reactions(j) % sigma
end if
end if
end do
end select

call close_group(group_id)
! Remove the uneeded/inconsitent pointwise data. This step enforces the
! assumption that no inelastic scattering reactions can occur in the
! multipole region. The energy grid is replaced with one that removes all
! energies covered by multiple and adds four new points. Two new points
! mark the edges of the multipole region and cross sections will be
! interpolated to these points. The other two points are used to zero the
! cross sections inside the multipole region.

! Define the four new inserted points.
insert_pts(:) = [multipole % start_E / 1e6_8, &
multipole % start_E / 1e6_8 + 1e-12_8, &
multipole % end_E / 1e6_8 - 1e-12_8, &
multipole % end_E / 1e6_8]

! Find the points just outside the multipole region.
cut1 = binary_search(nuc % energy, nuc % n_grid, insert_pts(1))
cut2 = binary_search(nuc % energy, nuc % n_grid, insert_pts(4)) + 1
if (nuc % energy(cut1) == insert_pts(1)) cut1 = cut1 - 1
if (nuc % energy(cut2) == insert_pts(4)) cut2 = cut2 + 1

! Generate the new energy grid.
new_n_grid = nuc % n_grid - (cut2 - cut1 - 1) + 4
new_energy(1:cut1) = nuc % energy(1:cut1)
new_energy(cut1+1:cut1+4) = insert_pts(:)
new_energy(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % energy(cut2:nuc % n_grid)

! Compute interpolation factors for the new energy points.
f1 = (insert_pts(1) - nuc % energy(cut1)) &
/ (nuc % energy(cut1+1) - nuc % energy(cut1))
f2 = (insert_pts(4) - nuc % energy(cut2-1)) &
/ (nuc % energy(cut2) - nuc % energy(cut2-1))

! Adjust the total cross section.
new_xs(1:cut1) = nuc % total(1:cut1)
new_xs(cut1+1) = (ONE - f1) * nuc % total(cut1) &
+ f1 * nuc % total(cut1+1)
new_xs(cut1+2:cut1+3) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1+4) = (ONE - f2) * nuc % total(cut2-1) &
+ f2 * nuc % total(cut2)
new_xs(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % total(cut2:nuc % n_grid)
call move_alloc(new_xs, nuc % total)

! Adjust the elastic cross section.
new_xs(1:cut1) = nuc % elastic(1:cut1)
new_xs(cut1+1) = (ONE - f1) * nuc % elastic(cut1) &
+ f1 * nuc % elastic(cut1+1)
new_xs(cut1+2:cut1+3) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1+4) = (ONE - f2) * nuc % elastic(cut2-1) &
+ f2 * nuc % elastic(cut2)
new_xs(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % elastic(cut2:nuc % n_grid)
call move_alloc(new_xs, nuc % elastic)

! Adjust the fission cross section.
new_xs(1:cut1) = nuc % fission(1:cut1)
new_xs(cut1+1) = (ONE - f1) * nuc % fission(cut1) &
+ f1 * nuc % fission(cut1+1)
new_xs(cut1+2:cut1+3) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1+4) = (ONE - f2) * nuc % fission(cut2-1) &
+ f2 * nuc % fission(cut2)
new_xs(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % fission(cut2:nuc % n_grid)
call move_alloc(new_xs, nuc % fission)

! Adjust the nu-fission cross section.
new_xs(1:cut1) = nuc % nu_fission(1:cut1)
new_xs(cut1+1) = (ONE - f1) * nuc % nu_fission(cut1) &
+ f1 * nuc % nu_fission(cut1+1)
new_xs(cut1+2:cut1+3) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1+4) = (ONE - f2) * nuc % nu_fission(cut2-1) &
+ f2 * nuc % nu_fission(cut2)
new_xs(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % nu_fission(cut2:nuc % n_grid)
call move_alloc(new_xs, nuc % nu_fission)

! Adjust the absorption cross section.
new_xs(1:cut1) = nuc % absorption(1:cut1)
new_xs(cut1+1) = (ONE - f1) * nuc % absorption(cut1) &
+ f1 * nuc % absorption(cut1+1)
new_xs(cut1+2:cut1+3) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1+4) = (ONE - f2) * nuc % absorption(cut2-1) &
+ f2 * nuc % absorption(cut2)
new_xs(cut1+5:new_n_grid) = nuc % absorption(cut2:nuc % n_grid)
call move_alloc(new_xs, nuc % absorption)

! Adjust other cross sections.
do i = 1, nuc % n_reaction
associate (rxn => nuc % reactions(i))
if (.not. allocated(rxn % sigma)) cycle ! Skip unallocated reactions
IE = rxn % threshold
if (rxn % threshold >= cut2) then
! The threshold is above the multipole range. All we need to do
! is adjust the threshold index to match the new grid.
rxn % threshold = rxn % threshold - (cut2 - cut1 - 1) + 4
else if (rxn % threshold <= cut1) then
! The threhold is below the multipole range. Remove the multipole
! region just like we did with the other reactions.
! The new grid removed (cut2 - cut1 - 1) points and added 4.
allocate(new_xs(size(rxn % sigma) - (cut2 - cut1 - 1) + 4))
new_xs(1:cut1-IE+1) = rxn % sigma(1:cut1-IE+1)
new_xs(cut1-IE+2) = (ONE - f1) * rxn % sigma(cut1-IE+1) &
+ f1 * rxn % sigma(cut1-IE+2)
new_xs(cut1-IE+3:cut1-IE+4) = ZERO
new_xs(cut1-IE+5) = (ONE - f2) * rxn % sigma(cut2-IE) &
+ f2 * rxn % sigma(cut2-IE+1)
new_xs(cut1-IE+6:size(new_xs)) = &
rxn % sigma(cut2-IE+1:size(rxn % sigma))
call move_alloc(new_xs, rxn % sigma)
! The threshold lies within the multipole range. Remove the first
! cut2-IE points and add an interpolated point
allocate(new_xs(size(rxn % sigma) - (cut2-IE) + 1))
new_xs(1) = (ONE - f2) * rxn % sigma(cut2-IE) &
+ f2 * rxn % sigma(cut2-IE+1)
new_xs(2:size(new_xs)) = rxn % sigma(cut2-IE+1:size(rxn % sigma))
call move_alloc(new_xs, rxn % sigma)
rxn % threshold = cut1 + 4
end if
end associate
end do

! Close file
call file_close(file_id)
! Apply the new energy grid.
nuc % n_grid = new_n_grid
call move_alloc(new_energy, nuc % energy)

end associate

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/test_multipole/results_true.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1.457760E+00 1.119659E-02
1.457760E+00 1.119656E-02
ID = 11
Name =
Expand Down

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