iconcheck is a bash script for monitoring ICON-NMR sessions on multiple NMR instruments using rsync. It serves as an alternative to the email feature in ICON-NMR which is rather limited. It copies the IconDriverDebug and Inmracct files over from remote machines via SSH and checks them for new errors. If errors are found, it assembles them into log files and sends alert emails to the user and/or facility manager according to settings in the file input/error_table. The error_table file is meant to be customized by the user as new instrument-specific bugs inevitably emerge.
This program requires that the local and remote computers have password-less SSH between them enabled via private rsa keys.
I suggest running this as a cron job every five minutes or so.
This script requires a linux operating system with rsync. I've tested it in CentOS 6.8, 7.5 and Ubuntu 20 on the local side and CentOS 7.5, CentOS 5.1 on the remote side. I have only tested this with ICON-NMR run out of Topspin 2.1 and 4.0.8.
The email feature requires that the application sendmail is working on the machine running the script.
git clone https://github.com/greenwoodad/iconcheck
git clone https://(your github username)@github.com/greenwoodad/iconcheck.git
followed by:
chmod +x ./iconcheck/iconcheck
Because this script is intended to be run as a cron job, it is necessary to authorize the local machine to access the remote machine(s) with password-less ssh login using ssh keys. Tutorials are available here:
- On the machine you want to run the script and send emails from (as the user you want to do this as) run the command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
This will generate files ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Press enter at the prompt "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):" to skip passphrase generation.
- Next, run this command (from the local machine) for each remote workstation:
ssh-copy-id remote_username@remote_ip_address
You will be prompted for the password for this remote workstation.
If ssh-copy-id is not available, you should be able to run this instead:
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh remote_username@remote_ip_address "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- Last, add SSH aliases to your hosts file. In /etc/hosts, add entries:
IPAddress DomainName SSHAlias
for each remote workstation.
for example: dmx500.chem.university.edu DMX500 av400.chem.university.edu AV400 neo400.chem.university.edu NEO400
The SSHAliases here should be the same names you enter as 'SSHAlias' in the input file.
You should now be able to SSH to the remote workstations without entering a password by typing:
ssh remote_username@SSHAlias
in addition to
ssh remote_username@IPAddress
ssh remote_username@DomainName
The first time you do this, you will need to type "yes" to the question "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" however. After this, you will be able to run the script automatically without manual password entry.
In the main input file (iconcheck_input) there are a number of parameters and paths to set:
: Full path to the location of the main script and the input, emailtxt, and log folders on local machine. Use full path!ManagerEmail
: Email address of the NMR facility manager.SSHAlias
: Alias for password-less SSH to this instrument computer.RemoteUser
: User on the remote computer that you can SSH as.DebugPath
: Folder containing IconDriverDebug files on remote computer (probably something like /opt/topspin_version/prog/curdir/nmr1). Use full path!INMRPath
: Folder containing Inmracct.brief file on remote computer (probably something like /opt/topspin_version/conf/instr/spect/inmrusers). Use full path!
IMPORTANT: When editing this file, do not use entries that contain spaces.
Instruments in the instrument table can be commented out with a #.
The error table lists various ICON-NMR errors and determines how iconcheck will respond to them. The first column contains bits of the
the error message as it appears in the IconDriverDebug file. (Note that in some cases special characters need to be escaped, such as \"
to escape a double quote. Wildcards can be used with .*
as well.) The second column points to the relevant email text that will then
be sent, and the final two columns specify whether an email should be sent to the user, the NMR Manager, both, or neither. New entries
can be added as new errors develop.
If you want to add a new entry, you should try to identify a unique string that reliably occurs in IconDriverDebug for this error (and
not in other contexts) exactly once. Note that when adding a new error to the table, the script will submit emails corresponding to recent
instances of the error the next time it runs. To avoid this, you may choose to set mail user?
to n
temporarily until the script
adds the recent instances to the debugerrors log.
IMPORTANT: When editing this file, make sure there are always at least two spaces separating entries for proper parsing of the input file.
The address book provides email addresses for each ICON-NMR user. This is independent from the way ICON-NMR keeps track of email addresses (in user files in conf/instr/instrument_name/inmrusers) but is not hard to set up. The file /input/addressbook shows some example entries. Each line should contain a username followed by that user's email address, separated by a space. If a user does not wish to receive emails, it is possible to simply omit that user's entry in this file.
The script can be run as follows:
iconcheck [OPTIONS]... /path/to/iconcheck_input
-h, -?, --help
Show help message.
-i, --input
Set input file (flag optional).
-e, --email (default y)
Set to 'n' to skip sending emails
-t, --trim (default y)
Set to 'n' to skip trimming IconDriverDebug.Instrument.full
The default values of these flags (as well as SendmailPath
) can be set at the top of the main script.
To run this as a cron job, make an entry in your crontab like this:
*/5 * * * * /path/to/iconcheck "/path/to/input/iconcheck_input"
Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
- Alex Greenwood - provided script - Greenwoodad