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Unicove 2.0



Running Unicove in development mode leverages make and bun. To setup a local development environment, clone this repository and perform the following actions.

Install dependencies

Run make install to install the same version of the dependencies used in production builds (or bun install --frozen-lockfile).

Run Unicove

Run make dev to start a local development environment running at:


Formatting + Linting

The make check command will run through Svelte checks, eslint, and prettier. All PRs submitted against the repository will also automatically run these checks to ensure functionality and consistent code formatting.

Local Configuration

The .env file contains the minimal configuration required for Unicove to operate and is included in the root of this repository. This file shouldn't be modified for local changes, and instead a .env.development file should be created to selectively override the defaults in the .env.

To override the more complex JSON stored in PUBLIC_CHAINS and PRIVATE_BACKENDS, a specific build process has been setup to generate an .env.local automatically based on the contents of the JSON files in scripts/env/local. These files can be created and updated using the steps below.

  1. If this is the first time altering these values, run make config to generate backends.json and chains.json in ./scripts/env/local.
  2. Edit the chains.json file to alter which chains are supported along with their features/endpoints.
  3. Edit the backends.json file to alter how the SSR backend retrieves data about each chain defined in chains.json.
  4. Run make config to write a copy of your modified config files into .env.local.

Anytime changes are made to either scripts/env/local/backends.json or scripts/env/local/chains.json, run make config again to regenerate the .env.local file and update the values.

With Unicove running, the current configuration can be viewed in the Debug State section:
