Complementary shaders by EminGT, based on BSL shaders by Capt Tatsu, with coloured voxel flood fill lighting added by gri573
This project is abandoned and superseded by rethinking voxels.
In a web browser, click on a green button with Code
, then Download ZIP
, and then put the downloaded .zip file directly in your shaderpack folder.
or clone the repository directly into your shaderpacks folder.
- Shadow quality must be set to x1 for this shaderpack to work;
- Optifine G7 or later is required, Iris is currently unsupported;
- Mac devices are unsupported;
- This project has been replaced by Rethinking Voxels
For questions, suggestions, early access of Complementary a discussion thread about Voxlementary and Rethinking Voxels, and more; feel free to join the Complementary Discord Server:
If you encounter issues with mods, you can check out this mod issue fixes list:
The git repository of Voxlementary is currently unreasonably large (about 2 GiB).
- Capt Tatsu - Complementary is based on his brilliant work from BSL. And he is the one that gave EminGT the idea of publishing their BSL edit. Complementary and Voxlementary wouldn't exist without him
- EminGT - The developer of Complementary, who is amazingly patient when answering my questions about different parts of Complementary's internals
- Chocapic13 - Previous frame reprojection, Jitter offset (+ probably more)
- Robobo1221 - Volumetric light
- Horizon Zero Dawn - GGX area light approximation
- Simon Rodriguez - FXAA
- fayer3 - End portal/gateway shader
- Jessie - Dithering
- Builderb0y - Vanilla Star Dedection
- gri573 - Me, the developer of Voxlementary
- -1 NETHER - Nether
- 0 OVERWORLD - Overworld
- 1 END - End
- 2 / -23 TWO - The Midnight
- 5 / 7 SEVEN - Twilight Forest
- 17 ONESEVEN - Atum
- 20 TWENTY - The Betweenlands
- 10 - Placeholder (The Beneath)
- -27..-31 - Placeholder (Galacticraft)
- 14676 - Placeholder (Thaumic Augmentation)