- Haskell for beginners
- Parts of language
- Design patterns and architecture
- Spedical Purposes
- Tools and Libraries
- Ecosystem
- Why the world needs Haskell
- Learn Haskell Fast and Hard
- Hello Haskell, Goodbye Scala
- Why Haskell?
- Haskell for kids
- How to Start a New Haskell Project
- What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell 2.0
- Haskeleton: A Haskell Project Skeleton
- Haskell Packages for Development
- Why Do Monads Matter?
- Three Useful Monads
- A tour of the Haskell Monad functions
- You Could Have Invented Monads! (And Maybe You Already Have.)
- Micro-tutorial: liftM by accident
- Monads, Arrows, and Idioms - Collection of papers
- Monad Transformers Step by Step (pdf)
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- Applicative Functors @ WikiBooks
- Why do we have map, fmap and liftM? (StackOverflow)
- Cloud Haskell @ Haskell Wiki
- Distributive Haskell
- The New Cloud Haskell @ Well Typed
- Towards Haskell in the Cloud - Microsoft Research (pdf)
- distributed-process library @ github
- GHC/Using the FFI
- Real World Haskell > Interfacing with C: the FFI
- Haskell/FFI Wikibook
- Haskell foreign import stdcall on DLL function (StackOverflow)
- GHC 7.8′s -staticlib flag
- Hidden features of Haskell
- Making Haskell programs faster and smaller
- High-Performance Haskell (slides)
- Haskell application architecture best practices [SO]
- Large-scale design in Haskell? [SO]
- Engineering Large Projects in Haskell: A Decade of FP at Galois
- The Design and Implementation of XMonad
- The functor design pattern
- The category design pattern
- Patterns in Functional Programming
- Дизайн и архитектура в ФП. Введение и Часть 1 [Russian]
- Дизайн и архитектура в ФП. Часть 2 [Russian]
- Yesod Web Framework
- Making A Website With Haskell
- Working With HTML In Haskell
- Yesod = Haskell $ Web (in russian)
- http-conduit Overview
- Hakyll для начинающих (in russian)
- Haskell for Web Developers
- Pronk. A small command line application for load testing web servers.
- Comparing Haskell's Snap and Yesod web frameworks
- A Hopefully Fair and Useful Comparison of Haskell Web Frameworks
- Building a File Hosting Service in Yesod
- Haskell web programming - A Yesod tutorial
- Yesod: Learning Through Doing
- Yesod Tutorial 1. My First Web Site
- Yesod Tutorial 2. Playing with Routes and Links
- Yesod Routing
- Web application with concurrency
- Database access
- Typesafe URLs in client-side code
- Snipp.IO: A pastebin made out of Haskell, Yesod and mongodb
- Yesod Mongo DB and JSON
- Non scaffolded MongoDB App
- Allowing cross-origin requests in Yesod
- Snap tutorial
- Tutorial: Building a Sample Application with Haskell Snap, PostgreSQL, and the PostgreSQL Simple Snaplet
- A Haskell newbie's guide to the Snap framework
- A Haskell newbie's guide to Snap, Part 2
- /r/snapframework
- The Pragmatic Haskeller > Episode 2. Snap
- 24 Days of Hackage: snap
- AngularJS with Haskell
- Snap Framework: Compiled splices and processing forms with digestive functors
- Building a Link Shortener with Haskell (and Snap) with Ryan Trinkle
- ryantrinkle/memoise
- dikmax/haskell-blog
- nurpax/snap-example (Snap + AngularJS)
- The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System User's Guide, Version 6.4.2
- Pragmas
- Interactive evaluation at the prompt
- GHC Core by Example, Episode 1: Hello, Core!
- GHC Core by Example, Episode 2: Evaluation
- Stop (ab)using CPP in Haskell sources
- GHCi: More Awesome Than You Thought with Richard Minerich (video)
- GHCi's Debugger - Haskell from Scratch #2 (video)
- The Haskell Cabal
- Cabal all the things! with Josh Hawkins (video)
- How to make a Cabal package
- An Introduction to Cabal sandboxes
- Information Generation With Cabal And Git
- Avoiding Cabal hell (Reddit comment)
- The hoopl package @ hackage
- A Hoopl Experience
- Hoopl-related blogposts @ ezyang.com
- Hoopl: A Modular, Reusable Library for Dataflow Analysis and Transformation (video)
- How to profile a Haskell program
- Tools for analyzing performance of a Haskell program (StackOverflow)
- Real World Haskell > Chapter 25. Profiling and optimization
- Easy Haskell Profiling
- Performance profiling with ghc-events-analyze
- Learn You a Haskell for a Great Good
- Real World Haskell
- Programming in Haskell
- Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming
- The Haskell Road to Logic, Math and Programming
- The Haskell School of Expression
- The Haskell School of Music
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
- Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod
- The Fun of Programming
- List of Books @ haskell.org
- Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers
- Beginning Haskell A Project-Based Approach
- Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design
- Purely Functional Data Structures
- Haskell Financial Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics
- Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
- Thinking Functionally with Haskell
- Speeding Through Haskell
- Game programming in Haskell
- Neil Mitchell's Haskell Blog
- Contemplating code AKA Haskell Weekly News
- Haskell for all
- Communicating Haskell Processes
- Yesod Web Framework > Blog
- Sententia cdsmithus
- Conal Elliott
- О Haskell по-русски (in russian)
- Alp Mestanogullari
- Control.Monad.Writer
- 24 days of hackage
- Just Testing
- Chris Done
- Chtomatic Leaves
- Inside 206-105
- Haskelier - Haskell for the Advanced Layman
- osa1
- Haskell channel @ Vimeo
- YOW 2011 Simon Peyton Jones - Closer to Nirvana
- A history of Haskell : being lazy with class
- HaskellCasts
- Haskell Live - Episode 1: The Chess Board
- Haskell Live - Episode 2: Time To Refactor
- Кубенский Александр Александрович - Функциональное программирование на примере языка Haskell @ CompSciCenter.ru / lektorium.tv (in russian)