Backend of
- Scala 2.9 with Play2, Akka 2, Scalaz and Salat
- Scalachess
- MongoDB 2.2
This is full-stack application, not a library, and it may not be straightforward to get it fully running. I assume you run a Unix with mongodb.
Some steps of the installation will trigger a download of the galaxy. It will take ages.
git clone git://
cd lila
git submodule update --init
bin/play compile
cp conf/local.conf.dist conf/local.conf
extends conf/base.conf
and can override any value.
Note that conf/local.conf
is excluded from git index.
Launch the play console using your local configuration:
From here you can now run the application (run
Open your web browser at localhost:9000
To run the test, use test
cd /etc/rc.d
sudo ln -s /path/to/lila/bin/prod/archlinux/rc.d/lila ./
cd /etc/conf.d
sudo ln -s /path/to/lila/bin/prod/archlinux/conf.d/lila ./
- Configure the daemon in /etc/conf.d/lila
- Add lila to DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf
Optional ulimit -n 99999
cd $ES_HOME; bin/plugin -url -install river-mongodb service elasticsearch restart
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_river/team/_meta' -d '{ "type": "mongodb", "mongodb": { "db": "lichess", "collection": "team" }, "index": { "name": "lila", "type": "team" } }'
/etc/mongodb.conf replSet=rs0 oplogSize=100