Tags: gtoboso/zf2
Zend Framework 2.0.0beta1 THIS RELEASE IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE AND NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE. PLEASE USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This is the first in a series of planned beta releases. The beta release cycle will follow the "gmail" style of betas, whereby new features will be added in each new release, and BC will not be guaranteed; beta releases will happen no less than every six weeks. Once the established milestones have been reached and the featureset has reached maturity and reasonable stability, we will freeze the API and prepare for Release Candidate status. NEW FEATURES ------------ - New and refactored autoloaders: - Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader - Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader - Zend\Loader\AutoloaderFactory - New plugin broker strategy - Zend\Loader\Broker and Zend\Loader\PluginBroker - Reworked Exception system - Allow catching by specific Exception type - Allow catching by component Exception type - Allow catching by SPL Exception type - Allow catching by base Exception type - Rewritten Session component - Refactored View component - Split helpers into a PluginBroker - Split variables into a Variables container - Split script paths into a TemplateResolver - Renamed base View class "PhpRenderer" - Refactored helpers to utilize __invoke() when possible - Refactored HTTP component - New Zend\Cloud\Infrastructure component - New EventManager component - New Dependency Injection (Zend\Di) component - New Code component - Incorporates refactored versions of former Reflection and CodeGenerator components. - Introduces Scanner component. - Introduces annotation system. - New MVC layer - Zend\Module, for developing modular application architectures. - Zend\Mvc, a completely reworked MVC layer built on top of HTTP, EventManager, and Di. - Introduces new packaging system, allowing the usage of Pyrus (http://pear2.php.net) to install individual components and/or groups of components.
Zend Framework 2.0.0dev4 Fourth development snapshot for Zend Framework 2.0. This snapshot includes: - The "Dispatchable" and related interfaces (Zend\Stdlib\Dispatchable, MessageDescription, RequestDescription, and ResponseDescription) - A fully refactored HTTP component - Rewritten URI component, with better and more extensible support for an array of different URI schemas, as well as more flexible path and parameter decomposition and serialization. - Adds HTTP versions of the Stdlib Request and Response interfaces, along with full-fledged support for standard HTTP headers. - A rewritten HTTP client that consumes Http\Request objects and produces Http\Response objects. - Two additional HTTP client implementations that provide a convenience API around the base HTTP client. One is static, and allows for simple one-off requests: $response = ClientStatic::get($uri); $response = ClientStatic::post( $uri, array('foo' => 'bar'), array('Content-Type' => ClientStatic::ENC_URENCODED) ); The other largely mimics the Zend Framework 1.X HTTP client, and proxies functionality to the Request object when appropriate. - Updated all docbook sources to DocBook 5 formatting standards. - Merging of more than 50 pull requests made by community members, ranging from one-liner documentation changes to sweeping fixes to the testing repository (including fixing most assertions deprecated in PHPUnit 3.5.0). We will be refactoring all components using the HTTP client in an upcoming milestone to ensure they continue to work, and will also post a blog entry and documentation page containing tips. This snapshot should NOT be used in production, as it is considered pre-pre alpha quality.
Tagged 2.0.0dev3 Contains: - EventManager - Initial DI component
Zend Framework 2.0.0dev2 Second development milestone for Zend Framework 2.0. This snapshot concludes two parallel milestones: - "Autoloading and Plugin Loading" - "Exceptions" See the milestones page for full details: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV2/Zend+Framework+2.0+Milestones The basic functionality added at this point include: - Several autoloading strategies, including class maps and PSR-0 style autoloading that uses explicit paths instead of the include_path. - Tools for generating class maps. - Removal of Zend\Loader::loadClass() and Zend\Loader\Autoloader in favor of the new solutions - Refactoring of the Resource autoloader to conform with the new autoloader interface - Addition of several plugin class resolution interfaces - Addition of an aliasing plugin class resolver - Refactoring of PluginLoader to PrefixPathLoader and usage of SplStack - Addition of a Broker interface, and a generic implementation, PluginBroker - Refactoring of all components that used PluginLoader previously to use class alias plugin resolvers with plugin brokers - Refactoring of Zend\View to make use of a plugin broker and filter chain Several pieces were left to refactor later, including: - Zend\Cache (in progress) - Zend\Form (likely will replace filters with FilterChain, validators with ValidatorChain, and implement a different rendering strategy) - View helpers (a "direct" strategy method is no longer necessary using a brokering strategy) This snapshot should NOT be used in production, as it is considered pre-pre alpha quality.
Zend Framework 2.0.0dev1 First development milestone for ZF 2.0.0. At this time, the ZF Quick Start can be completely implemented in ZF2, and a reference application containing authentication, ACLs, FlashMessenger, Markup, and more has been tested. While ZF2 cannot be considered of production quality, it is in a usable state at this time. CHANGELOG - require_once calls stripped - test suite refactored to remove AllTests.php files, unused test classes/files, and refactor conditional tests - ZF library switched to utilize PHP namespaces instead of vendor prefixes - Rewritten Zend\Session component - Added Zend\Stdlib component, with several utility classes, including: - FilterChain interface and reference implementation - Serializeable versions of SplQueue, SplStack, and SplPriorityQueue - Added Zend\SignalSlot, to standardize observers throughout framework; utilized internally in Zend\Session implementation for validation chains - Slight refactoring of Zend\Filter and Zend\Validation to separate chain and static call implementations - Renaming of several components (see working/PHPNamespacer-MappedClasses.xml for details) - Moved to Git for version control