zcache is pure typed Python implementation of key value Cache/Database with abstract storage, plugins and asynchronous support.
pip install zcache
basic example:
from zcache import Cache
import time
c = Cache(path="/tmp/tes1.json")
print("set foo=bar: ", c.set("foo", "bar"))
print("c size:", c.size())
print("c has foo: ", c.has("foo"))
print("c get foo: ", c.get("foo"))
print("c delete foo: ", c.delete("foo"))
print("c has foo: ", c.has("foo"))
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("c set spam=eggs, ttl=3: ", c.set("spam", "eggs", ttl=3)) # cache with ttl
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("sleep 3")
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("c size:", c.size())
example with limited stack:
from zcache import Cache
d = Cache(path="/tmp/test2.json", limit=2)
d.reset() # reset cache stack to 0
print(d.set("one", 1)) # True
print(d.set("two", 2)) # True
print(d.set("three", 3)) # False out of stack limit
d.delete("one") # delete one item from stack
print(d.set("three", 3)) # True
example asynchronous usage
import asyncio
from zcache import AsyncCache
async def main():
c = AsyncCache()
await c.init()
await c.set("test", "OK")
print(await c.get("test"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
you can change storage and use plugins, for example:
from zcache import Cache
from zcache.Plugins.BytesCachePlugins import BytesCachePlugins
from zcache.Storage.BaseFileStorage import BaseFileStorage
storage = BaseFileStorage("/tmp/zcache.json")
plugins = BytesCachePlugins()
c = Cache(storage=storage, plugins=plugins)
see list current available storage and plugins, you can also create your own storage and plugins.
Extras is several module based on zcache.
is Simple HTTP Client with smart caching system based on zcache
is asynchronous version of SmartRequests
is Fifo Queue based on zcache
is asynchronous version of Queue