a example of eggjs2.0, react, antd, dva2.0, webpack, mysql, restful api and other stuff made it work...
you can generate rest api eazily by this tool.
2017-07-17 egg-restapi-module-tool v0.9 Released
Examples for egg
use react, Antd and dva to develop front end modules. use eggjs and mysql to be backend. you can use npm run dev to develop both side's service. or use it as a boilerplate.
this example include two modules: 1 modules manager : module table's CRUD operation, 2 request manager : an note for restful api witch is generated by module tool.
install mysql start mysql import testdb.sql to mysql
npm install
run npm to start server
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:8080 。
also you can : npm run dev_static to start front react project npm run server to start egg server npm run dev to start both
$ npm run build
$ npm run pro
npm run build to build the front end react project. npm run pro in server to start project on you server visit http://serverIP:7001
api/restql/users GET List
api/restql/users/1 GET Single Data
api/restql/users/2 PUT Update data with uid
api/restql/users POST insert data
same with news and news_type for rest api data.