This engine come from an online project called Si Mei Ren.
- adapt spring framework
- simplify the serialization/re-serialization of request/respond
- use aop, e.g. verify pre-condition of request
- change the distribution framework (like dubbo)
This expression util supply the basic operation for game, including most used relation operator, logic operator and a simple select operator. There are some example as follows.
level > 0 // the level of player is greater than 0
1 + 2 == 3 // the sum of 1 and 2 is equal to 3
level > 10 && vip > 0 // the level of player is greater than 10 and the vip is greater than 0
level in (10, 11, 12) // the level of player is 10, or 11, or 12
level between (10, 20) // the level of player is between 10(inclusive) and 20(inclusive)
[itemBag, quality > 10] > 20 // the count of item in itemBag where quality is greater than 10 is greater than 20
{isopen, 'friend'} // call the 'isopen' function, passing the parameter 'friend'
Operator | Description |
() | parentheses |
[] | |
{} | |
^ | pow |
*、/、% | mul, div, mod |
+、- | add, sub |
==、!=、>、>=、<、<=、in、between | eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, in, btween |
not、! | not |
and、&& | and |
or、|| | or |
- There are two types in the expression, number and string, which to long and String in Java.
- The result of relational operation and logical operation will turn into number, non-zero for true, 0 for false.
- Because number is just long in Java, number behave as what long like in Java.
- The in operator use for a range check.
x in (u, v, w)
means thatx == u || x == v || x == w
. - The between operator use for a range check.
x between (y, z)
means thatx >= y && x <= z
. - The [] operator like select in SQL.
[itemBag, quality > 10]
means thatselect count(1) from itemBag where quality > 10
. Be notice that it is a time consuming operation. - The {} operator use for a function invocation.
{ismoduleopen, 'friend'}
means that call the function ismoduleopen and pass a parameter 'friend'.
ExprNode expr = new ExprParser(new ExprLexer("1 + 1")).parse();
long result = (long) expr.eval();