This module will:
- Fetch from mongodb the data you wish to autocomplete and insert this data in a prefix tree in memory.
- Return all words starting with the requested string (autocomplete)
- You can also bind data to a word inserted in the datastructure. (ex: an indexed id)
1.1 -> Now supports case sensitivity. Ex: mar or Mar both would return Marcus
- Have mongodb running
- Run tests (node ....js): autocomplete-test.js autocomplete-test-ignore-uppercase.js autocomplete-test-inverted-names.js fullname-autocomplete-test.js
//A Mongoose configuration is required
var membersSchema = Schema({
firstName : { type: String, required: true},
lastName : { type: String, required: true }
var MembersModel = mongoose.model('MembersModel', membersSchema);
// Autocomplete configuration
var configuration = {
//Fields being autocompleted, they will be concatenated
autoCompleteFields : [ "firstName", "lastName"],
//Returned data with autocompleted results
dataFields: ["_id"],
//Maximum number of results to return with an autocomplete request
maximumResults: 10,
//MongoDB model (defined earlier) that will be used for autoCompleteFields and dataFields
model: MembersModel
//initialization of AutoComplete Module
var myMembersAutoComplete = new AutoComplete(configuration, function(){
//any calls required after the initialization
console.log("Loaded " + myMembersAutoComplete.getCacheSize() + " words in auto complete");
//Finding in the autocomplete
// Lets say we have in mongodb a document -> { firstName : "James", lastName: "Green", _id: "535f06a28ddfa3880f000003"}
// getResults will return words -> [{"word": "James Green","data": ["535f06a28ddfa3880f000003"]}]
myMembersAutoComplete.getResults("Jam", function(err, words){