A haxe version of the famous shmup NomlTest implemented using keim's great CannonML and SiON libraries. This provides an example of one way these libraries can be used. There are many other ways these libraries can be used, so don't feel like you have to stick with exactly this example.
Haxe ports of all of these were done by Brian Gunn ([email protected]).
This also gives a demonstration of how to use Haxe on the Ouya. As this is an Ouya example, some of the assets, such as the instruction screen graphics, are specific to Ouya.
To compile for Ouya, use: "lime test android -Douya"
CannonML flash source is available at https://github.com/keim/CML
SiON flash source is available at https://github.com/keim/SiON
NomlTest flash source is available at http://wonderfl.net/c/alru
Haxe ports by Brian Gunn are available at:
CannonML haxe: https://github.com/gunnbr/CML
SiON haxe: https://github.com/gunnbr/SiON
NomlTest haxe: https://github.com/gunnbr/NomlTest