Inspired by IPython, built with love
A stand alone, light-weight web server for building, sharing graphs created in IPython. Build for data science, data analysis guys. Building an interactive visualization, collaborated dashboard, and real-time streaming graph.
- redis 2.6+, install guide
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- support raw html visualization
- support python object visualization
- Editable
- Real-time fresh when rendering a variable python object
- Can be shared, both public and private [ need password ]
- In the notebook, can share an object to a dashboard [ that's visualize that object in that dashboard ]
- if you do exploring in notebook, but just want to share/send the result/summary to people, leave out the details.
- if you have a private notebook, but also need share something in that notebook with people, extract and put into another new notebook is ugly.
- if you are totally disappointed with the complicated code when drawing a graceful/staic graph using matplotlib/seaborn/mpld3 etc.
- if you want an interactive graph, allow people to zoom in/out, resize, get hover tips, change graph type easily.
- if you want a real-time graph.
- if you want an collaborated graph/dashboard.
IPython-Dashboard-Tutorial.ipynb: On nbviewer or On github
just run sudo nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=dashboard
under this repo
chenshan@mac007:~/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard$sudo nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=dashboard
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 0 100%
dashboard/ 1 0 100%
dashboard/client/ 11 3 73% 26-27, 33
dashboard/ 13 0 100%
dashboard/ 1 0 100%
dashboard/server/ 0 0 100%
dashboard/server/resources/ 31 17 45% 36, 55-56, 67-79, 92-99
dashboard/server/resources/ 40 12 70% 25, 28-30, 82-90
dashboard/server/resources/ 8 1 88% 19
dashboard/server/resources/ 15 7 53% 26-28, 43-47
dashboard/server/ 31 6 81% 18-22, 29, 43
dashboard/server/ 12 0 100%
TOTAL 174 46 74%
Ran 3 tests in 1.235s
- import dashboard to ipython notebook, one click [ though I don't think it's necessary]
- front side, databricks style
- pep 8, code clean up & restructure
- hover tips
- edit modal can be resized
- Share one graph
- Share one dashboard
- Presentation mode
- footer
- readthedoc
- unified message display center
- SQL Editor
- login management
- unified logger and exception report
V 0.1.4 : sql-ui-optimize : [ current develop version ]
- create some examples
- hover tips
- unified message display
SQL Editor
- start try using ace to build an online sql editor, but will develop it in the next stage after this version
V 0.1.3 : basic-curd-docs : [ current stable release ]
- Dashboard
- restructure code for future develop
- more docs and tutorial
- basic curd operations
- gh-pages done
- publish on readthedoc
- Dashboard
V 0.1.2 : visualiza-table
slogan: Inspired by IPython, built with love
- document and doc string
- usage
- simple visualize table data
SQL Editor
- research & preparation
V 0.1.1 : dashboard-server : [ current stable release ]
dashboard home page
- sort by dashboard name / creator / last update time
dashboard page
- add graph in a dashboard
- re-arrange graph
- resize graph
- get table view in a graph
SQL Editor
V 0.1 : dashboard-template
- Add dashboard client template
- Template consists of box, each box is an independent front-side object
- Template hierarchy:
- box page [add, delete, share one or all]
- box graph [add, delete, share one or all]
- rename