A faster pytorch implementation of faster r-cnn
The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (V…
Implementation of Vision Transformer, a simple way to achieve SOTA in vision classification with only a single transformer encoder, in Pytorch
A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector
SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector pytorch implementation focusing on simplicity
The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.
Fair comparison of different algorithms on the HRSC2016 dataset.
This is a tensorflow-based rotation detection benchmark, also called AlphaRotate.
Fast and accurate object detection with end-to-end GPU optimization
This repo is the codebase for our team to participate in DOTA related competitions, including rotation and horizontal detection.
rotation detection based on yolov5
This is an accurate implementation for IoU loss between two rotated polygons. This algorithm is accurate and differential, but there is no support for cuda now. In…
Differentiable IoU of rotated bounding boxes using Pytorch
Simple examples to introduce PyTorch
RTCMultiConnection server (npm install rtcmulticonnection-server)
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. Repository migrated from
A (PyTorch) imbalanced dataset sampler for oversampling low frequent classes and undersampling high frequent ones.
Hikyuu Quant Framework 基于C++/Python的极速开源量化交易研究框架,同时可基于策略部件进行资产重用,快速累积策略资产。
C/C++ library for processing configuration files
cpptoml is a header-only library for parsing TOML