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Camel Bindy Example

The Example is about utilizing features provided by Camel Bindy Component

About The Example

Currently there are parts two examples

Example 1
 This is a simple example that shows the marshalling and unmarshalling capability of Camel Bindy Component

It reads a large text file delimited with '|' (pipe) and each new record delimited with '\n' (new line) process it and saves it back to another text file after adding some other information, the input and output data file formats are shown below

######Input file format id|name|semester|java|c|dbms|mathematics|datastructure

 1|Student 1|1st|80|56|54|90|90
 2|Student 2|1st|50|65|75|90|60  

######Output File format id|name|semester|grade|total score|result

 1|Student 1|1st|A|370|Pass
 2|Student 2|1st|A|340|Pass 

#####Camel Route 1

A Camel route is written that executes as below

  1. Reads a txt huge text file(student.txt) delimeted with '|' from inbox/csv directory
  2. Unmarshals it to a JAVA POJO
  3. Process POJO
  4. Create another POJO during processing
  5. Marshal the pojo back to new file (studentResult.txt) in outbox/csv/simple directory after processing


Example 2
  A simple Bindy Example to test the one to many capabilities using csv data binding.
  In this example we are depicting a simple one to many Department to Employee relationship.

######Input A java pojo Department with multiple employees will get generated using the method generateEmployeeDepartmentModel from "".

 here we are using camel bean component.
 <camel:bean ref="modelgenerator" method="generateEmployeeDepartmentModel" />

######Output file format id|name|semester|grade|total score|result 1|Coumpters|1|first-name-1|last-name-1|2012-11-10|9876543210

#####Camel Route 2

The Camel route executes as below:

  1. The Timer component "bindyonetomanyTimer" executes the route
  2. It then calls generateEmployeeDepartmentModel method in "" to get a department and its employee
  3. The department pojo is marshaled using csv data binding and appended to a file


Example 3
  In this example we are exploring  Bindy Capabilities For:
    a. Processing Fixed Length Format
    b. Date and number formatting, padding, trimming and alignment 

######Input file format Name, Debut Date, Country , Mathes palyed, Runs scored, Average, Strike rate, Batting posion, Reteriment Date

 Rahul Dravid      1996-09-10INDIA       00160  9,30060.5480.54 42012-09-01

#####Camel Route 3

The Camel route executes as below:

  1. Reads the fixed length file(player.txt) from inbox/fixedlength directory
  2. Unmarshal it to a Java POJO
  3. Logs the POJO to console


Example 4
 This example is just the reverse of example 3 , it marshalls a pojo back to file using the fixed file format

######Input A java pojo Player is generated using the method generatePlayerModel from "".

 again here we are using camel bean component.
 <camel:bean ref="modelgenerator" method="generatePlayerModel" />

######Output file format Name, Debut Date, Country , Mathes palyed, Runs scored, Average, Strike rate, Batting posion, Reteriment Date

 Rahul Dravid      1996-09-10INDIA       00160  9,30060.5480.54 42012-09-01

#####Camel Route 4

The Camel route executes as follows:

  1. The Timer component "bindymarshallingtimerTimer" executes the route
  2. It then calls generatePlayerModel method in "" to get player's detail
  3. The Player pojo is marshaled using fixed length data binding and written to a file


Example 5
  A simple fix example to show bindy capabilities for processing of fix messages.

######Input file format 8=FIX.4.1�9=90�35=0�49=INVMGR�56=BRKR�34=236�52=19980604-07:59:30�10=225�

#####Camel Route 5

The Camel route executes as below:

  1. Reads the FIX protocoled file(fix-simple.txt) from inbox/fix/simple/ directory
  2. Unmarshal it to a Java POJO
  3. Logs the POJO to console


Example 6
  A FIX example to explore FIX messages with:
    a. Header, Body and Trailer

######Input file format the file has the same format (as in example 5), but the difference is the way marshalling is done it uses three classes(check code).


#####Camel Route 6

The Camel route executes as below:

  1. Reads the FIX protocoled file(complex.txt) from inbox/fix/complex/ directory
  2. Unmarshal it to a Java POJO
  3. Logs the POJO with Header ,Body and sections info to console


#####Setting up the Example

  1. check out the example
  2. execute mvn camel:run

If you want to run only one example and stop or pause execution of other example then please set autoStartup="false" (currently true for all routes) for all routes you don't want to get executed.

#####References Fix protocol

Bindy details


camel Bindy Example






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