NetCorePosSample is a basic example of e-commerce/retail Rest API which is developed to experience dotnet-core and new technologies.
- Asp.Net Core 2.1 Web API
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 (InMemory)
- .NET Standart 2.0
- NLog
- AutoMapper
- Swagger UI
- XUnit Tests
- Moq
- You should open the project in Visual Studio 2017 with Administrator mode.
- You can use swagger.ui for all of your requests after you run the application.
- First, you have to login and get an authenticate token. After that use this token in the Authorize section.
- Now you can try other endpoints. You can create users, products, campaigns, and orders.
Http Verb | Endpoint | Description |
POST | v1/login | Creates user token with user name and password |
GET | v1/me | Returns authenticated user info |
POST | v1/users | Returns user list |
GET | v1/products | Returns product list |
GET | v1/products/{id} | Returns specific product |
POST | v1/products | Creates a new product |
PUT | v1/products/{id} | Updates specific product |
DELETE | v1/products/{id} | Deletes specific product |
GET | v1/campaigns | Returns campaign list |
POST | v1/campaigns | Creates a new campaign |
POST | v1/orders | Creates an order (sales-invoice) |
GET | v1/orders/{id} | Returns order info |
GET | v1/orders{id}/items | Returns order products list |