A pipeline for clustering spikes in Neuralynx ntt files using python, MClust and KlustaKwick!
./pipe /path/to/data/
- kkRunner.sh, a bash script for running KlustaKwik on all TTs in parallel.
- nttWriter.py, to write cluster files(.clu.n) to ntt Neuralynx files.
- scriptWriter.py, to write an matlab script which will be used by pipe.sh to run MClust and get feature files(.fet.n)...
- pipe.sh, to do everything @ once!
- Keep in mind that you need to make files executable before being able to run them ( chmod +x foo.sh) and probably correct the path to your python for .py files.
- You can also run different scripts sepaprately. For example, one can do :
$ ./nttWriter.py /path/to/data
in order to write cluster information (.clu.n) to .ntt files.