An assistant for backtesting trading strategies and checking (showing) external signals in Tradingview implemented as a Chrome browser extension.
python file that creates a server ran via your computer and a python file that contains code for a client to connect to the server
A python script using sqlite3 and flask for authentication and tkinter as the GUI, this repository contains a how to login. ig? idk.
Designed for MacOS this python script will block specified websites and redirect you to localhost. If run properly, it will run on startup.
Dislock, the most advanced Discord Browser Generator. Powered by hCaptcha Solving AI.
This Python E-Commerce Application retrieves item information such as ratings, reviews, and price from a real e-commerce source and compares them to find the best option for the user.
gyu29 / themes
Forked from xcruxiex/themesSpectra used to run this repo, after his departure he gave this repo to me and wiz, we will do our best to honor his years spent here, love you spectra!
Best DDoS Attack Script Python3, (Cyber / DDos) Attack With 56 Methods
A simple Discord token leaver written with Python 3