A 3D Third-Person Role Playing Game created using Unity 2019.3.0f3.
If you want to download this project in order to extend/modify it yourself or if you would like to create a build for OS other than Windows, follow these instructions:
- Clone or download this project using the green icon near the top of this page.
- Unzip the project files if downloaded.
- Open the project in Unity using the Unity Hub.
- On Unity Hub, select Projects.
- Then select Add.
- On the file explorer, find the project you cloned or downloaded then click Select Folder.
- On Unity Hub, click on 3DRPG in the Projects section.
- Once the project is open, expand the scenes folder and open the Default scene.
- Download the .unitypackage file from the releases section of this repository.
- Open a new project and import the .unitypackage file by going to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package.
- Select the .unitypackage file that was downloaded from step 1.
- Expand the scenes folder and open the Default scene.
- Character models and animations were found here: https://www.mixamo.com/
- Third Person Character controller found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocLZNRasU64&list=PLFt_AvWsXl0djuNM22htmz3BUtHHtOh7v
- NaughtyAttributes - Used for Attributes in the Unity Inspector found here: https://github.com/dbrizov/NaughtyAttributes
- unity3d-reorderable-list - Used for reorderable lists in the Unity Inspector found here: https://github.com/rotorz/unity3d-reorderable-list
- Serialized Dictionary Lite - Used to see dictionaries in the Unity Inspector found here: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/serialized-dictionary-lite-110992
- When importing models from Blender, always use the following commands: A > R > X > -90 > CTRL + A > Apply rotation and scale. When Unity imports this fbx or blend file, it will add +90 on the X axis making it 0 in the inspector which is what we need to be able to paint the object on the terrain.
- Input.GetKeyDown() and Input.GetKeyUp() will only return true on the frame that the KeyCode given is pressed down and unpressed respectively. If you want to know if a key is being held down use Input.GetKey()
- You cannot use PolyBrush with the Unity Terrain System.
- You cannot have random tree rotation with a tree that does not have a LOD group component.
- In order to use Post Processing while using the URP (Universal Render Pipeline):
- Go to Window -> Package Manager.
- Click on Advanced -> Show Preview Packages.
- Scroll down to Post Processing.
- Click Install.
- Go to the Main Camera in the scene and open the Rendering tab under the Camera component.
- Enable Post Processing.
- Click on Add Component -> Volume.
- Create a new profile or use an existing one.
- Add Override -> Whatever Post Processing effect you want until you achieve the look you're trying to achive for your game.
In order to create a custom script template go to the following location: C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.3.0b11\Editor\Data\Resources\ScriptTemplates
Open the file 81-C# Script-NewBehaviourScript.cs.txt
Replace the contents with the script template you'd like to use.
Here is the script template I use:
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace h1ddengames { public class #SCRIPTNAME# : MonoBehaviour { #region Exposed Fields #endregion #region Private Fields #endregion #region Getters/Setters #endregion #region Unity Methods void Start() { #NOTRIM# } void Update() { #NOTRIM# } #endregion #region My Methods #endregion #region Helper Methods #endregion } }