Use Google Tools Wisely
Used Google Tools in a wiser way! I made a Jupyter Notebook for google collab that is gonna provide you a VPS(Virtual Private Server) with 24 GB RAM, 60 GB Storage in just 5 min deploy and get a Linux Instance.
To get it running simply follow below steps:
Don't worry, you only have to do this once per client machine.
- Download Cloudflared (Argo Tunnel), then copy the absolute path to the cloudflare binary
- Now, you have to append the following to your SSH config file (usually under ~/.ssh/config in Linux and in C:/Users/<Username>/.ssh/config in Windows):
Host *
HostName %h
User root
Port 22
ProxyCommand <PUT_THE_ABSOLUTE_CLOUDFLARE_PATH_HERE> access ssh --hostname %h
2 ways of using it (Argotunnel And Chrome Desktop) are described in this video.
Just Click On Open In Colab Button
And Run The Bug Hunting Colab Cell.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Shout out to all the guys that helped to make this awesome
Distributed under the GPL 3.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Akash Chhabra - @hackingguyak - [email protected]
Project Link: