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Semantic Differentiation of Early Object Words


This repository includes the experimental stimuli, stan codes, graphing codes, and dataset for the following paper:

Hagihara, H., Yamamoto, H., Moriguchi, Y., & Sakagami, M. (2022). When “shoe” becomes free from “putting on”: The link between early meanings of object words and object-specific actions. Cognition, 226, 105177.


This repository consists of three folders, "ExperimentalStimuli," "Study1," and "Study2." The folders "Study1" and "Study2" correspond to codes for the cross-sectional study (Study 1), and codes longitudinal study (Study 2), respectively. Each of "Study1" or "study2" contains a csv file "data_(study name).csv_", R codes, and a folder "Models", which contains Stan codes.

Here we show a simple folder structure.

  • ExperimentalStimuli
    • WarmUpTrial
      • 3 video clips: 1_Dog_vs_Car.mp4, 2_Eating_vs_ChangingClothes.mp4, 3_Car_vs_Dog.mp4
    • TestTrial
      • 16 video clips: "(condition)_(target object)_(side of the correct answer).mp4" (e.g., Match_Shoe_Left.mp4)
  • Study1
    • Models
    • Analysis1_Pointing_Binary_Age.R
    • Analysis1_Pointing_Binary_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis1_PreferentialLooking_Binary_Age.R
    • Analysis1_PreferentialLooking_Binary_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis1_PreferentialLooking_Continuous_Age.R
    • Analysis1_PreferentialLooking_Continuous_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis2_Pointing_Binary_Age.R
    • Analysis2_Pointing_Binary_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis2_PreferentialLooking_Binary_Age.R
    • Analysis2_PreferentialLooking_Binary_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis2_PreferentialLooking_Continuous_Age.R
    • Analysis2_PreferentialLooking_Continuous_VocaularySize.R
    • Analysis3.R
    • data_study1.csv
  • Study2
    • Models
    • Analysis1_PreferentialLooking_Binary.R
    • Analysis2_PreferentialLooking_Binary.R
    • Analysis3_Noun.R
    • Analysis3_Verb.R
    • data_study2.csv

In each study, we conducted mainly three kinds of analyses; "Analysis 1", "Analysis 2", and "Analysis 3" in the main text. Each analysis corresponds to R codes starting with the same name.

In Study 1, we conducted a series of model selections while slightly changing each of the response variables or explanatory variables. In Analysis 1 and Analysis 2, the naming of the R code basically follows the rule "(analysis name)_(response variable)_(explanatory variable).R". When the response variable was preference looking, there were cases where the looking time proportion to the correct stimulus is treated as binary or continuous variables.

In Study 2, the naming of the R code basically follows the rule "(analysis name)_(response variable).R". As written in the paper, the binarized looking time proportion was treated as response variables.

Data Structure

  • data_study1.csv
Column Name Variable Explanation
id qualitative Participant ID
TrialOrder quantitative (integer) Order of the trial (1 - 16)
Condition qualitative Condition of the trial ("Match", "Mis", "ObjAbs", or "ObjDiff")
Object qualitative Target object used in the trial ("cup" or "shoe")
CorrectSide qualitative Position of the correct stimulus ("left" or "right")
Pointing_Right quantitative (binary) Participants' pointing response (Leftt=0; Right=1)
Correct_Pointing quantitative (binary) Whether or not the participant pointed to the correct stimulus
PropLook_Correct quantitative (continuous) Proportion of time that the participant looked at the correct stimulus
PropLook_Right quantitative (continuous) Proportion of time that the participant looked at the right side
Correct_Looking quantitative (binary) Whether or not the participant preferred to look at the correct stimulus
sex qualitative Participants' gender ("f" = female; "m" = male)
ageM quantitative (integer) Participants' age in months
vcbAll quantitative (integer) Participants' total vocabulary size
noun quantitative (integer) Vocabulary size of common nouns
verb quantitative (integer) Vocabulary size of verbs
  • data_study2.csv
Column Name Variable Explanation
id qualitative Participant ID
TrialOrder quantitative (integer) Order of the trial (1 - 16)
time quantitative (integer) Number of times of data collection (1 or 2)
Condition qualitative Condition of the trial ("Match", "Mis", "ObjAbs", or "ObjDiff")
Object qualitative Target object used in the trial ("cup" or "shoe")
CorrectSide qualitative Position of the correct stimulus ("left" or "right")
Pointing_Right quantitative (binary) Participants' pointing response (Left=0; Right=1)
Correct_Pointing quantitative (binary) Whether or not the participant pointed to the correct stimulus
PropLook_Correct quantitative (continuous) Proportion of time that the participant looked at the correct stimulus
PropLook_Right quantitative (continuous) Proportion of time that the participant looked at the right side
Correct_Looking quantitative (binary) Whether or not the participant preferred to look at the correct stimulus
sex qualitative Participants' gender ("f" = female; "m" = male)
ageM quantitative (integer) Participants' age in months
vcbAll quantitative (integer) Participants' total vocabulary size
noun quantitative (integer) Vocabulary size of common nouns
verb quantitative (integer) Vocabulary size of verbs

Software & Package Versions

  • RStudio: 1.4.1106
  • R: 4.04
  • cmdstan: 2.27.0
  • cmdstanr: 0.3.0
  • ggmcmc:
  • here: 1.0.1
  • loo: 2.4.1
  • rstan: 2.21.2
  • tidyverse: 1.3.0

Authors of This Repository

If you have any questions, please email at hiromichi.h AT (please replace AT with @).


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