Tags: hahadekuai/noVNC
Force Travis to use Node 0.11.13 The latest version of Node.js has a bug that affects the Karma test runner. A patch has been merged to Karma, but has not landed in a version yet. Until a new version of Karma is released, we should keep node at 0.11.13. See karma-runner/karma#1182 (cherry picked from commit 9af2346a0cead634f3af5f390770ea65929c1f4a)
Version 0.1, debian packaging, license text. noVNC version 0.1 Add debian packaging directory loosely based on http://trac.zentyal.org/browser/trunk/extra/novnc/debian Show web root directory on startup (pulled from websockify f1c8223). Lintian fixups: - Some license text clarifications. - remove executable permission on utils/launch.sh and include/web-socket-js/web_socket.js - Add executable permission to utils/launch.sh