A Slimefun addon that adds even more foodstuffs to the game. Best used along with ExoticGarden.
This addon automatically integrates with DynaTech for crop automation. Both DynaTech and ExoticGarden integrations can be manually disabled in config.yml
For more gameplay details, please see the Wiki at https://github.com/SchnTgaiSpock/Gastronomicon/wiki
- Paper (or its forks)
- Slimefun DEV 1040 (RC 33) or higher
- Minecraft 1.17+
- Java 16+
Exotic Garden is not required but heavily recommended!
API documentation can be found on the wiki at https://github.com/SchnTgaiSpock/Gastronomicon/wiki/Custom-Food
- First Beta release
- First API release
Some head textures were taken and/or modified from minecraft-heads.com and headdb.org