Build browser agents for real world tasks
M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
A tool that makes easy to SSH into AWS EC2 servers
Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬
Dump categories, questions and answers from HelpJuice organization
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
hajrice / tanker
Forked from Helpjuice/tankerIndexTank Integration with your fav ORM
Helpjuice / tanker
Forked from kidpollo/tankerIndexTank Integration with your fav ORM
The API, BackOffice, Storefront, and Nebulizer for IndexTank
hajrice / thinkingtank
Forked from flaptor/thinkingtankActiveRecord extension for IndexTank (similar syntax to ThinkingSphinx)
Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
hajrice / rails-ckeditor
Forked from galetahub/rails-ckeditorRails plugin for integration ckeditor 3.x
Patch for the rails ckeditor which uses account_id instead of user_id
ActiveRecord extension for IndexTank (similar syntax to ThinkingSphinx)
Rails plugin for integration ckeditor 3.x
Simple graphs using jQuery and Raphael