- Use requests instead of urrlib2 for HTTP requests.
- Patched json_request() so that the retry logic is also used if we get a 50x status code from Google.
- Added connection timeout (5 seconds, can be changed through the gcm.timeout property)
Python client for Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
pip install python-gcm
- Supports multicast message
- Resend messages using exponential back-off
- Proxy support
- Easily handle errors
RTFM here
from gcm import GCM
gcm = GCM(API_KEY)
data = {'param1': 'value1', 'param2': 'value2'}
# Plaintext request
reg_id = '12'
gcm.plaintext_request(registration_id=reg_id, data=data)
# JSON request
reg_ids = ['12', '34', '69']
response = gcm.json_request(registration_ids=reg_ids, data=data)
# Extra arguments
res = gcm.json_request(
registration_ids=reg_ids, data=data,
collapse_key='uptoyou', delay_while_idle=True, time_to_live=3600
Error handling
# Plaintext request
reg_id = '12345'
canonical_id = gcm.plaintext_request(registration_id=reg_id, data=data)
if canonical_id:
# Repace reg_id with canonical_id in your database
entry = entity.filter(registration_id=reg_id)
entry.registration_id = canonical_id
except GCMNotRegisteredException:
# Remove this reg_id from database
except GCMUnavailableException:
# Resent the message
# JSON request
reg_ids = ['12', '34', '69']
response = gcm.json_request(registration_ids=reg_ids, data=data)
# Handling errors
if 'errors' in response:
for error, reg_ids in response['errors'].items():
# Check for errors and act accordingly
if error is 'NotRegistered':
# Remove reg_ids from database
for reg_id in reg_ids:
if 'canonical' in response:
for canonical_id, reg_id in response['canonical'].items():
# Repace reg_id with canonical_id in your database
entry = entity.filter(registration_id=reg_id)
entry.registration_id = canonical_id
Read more on response errors here
- GCMMalformedJsonException
- GCMConnectionException
- GCMAuthenticationException
- GCMTooManyRegIdsException
- GCMNoCollapseKeyException
- GCMInvalidTtlException
- GCMMissingRegistrationException
- GCMMismatchSenderIdException
- GCMNotRegisteredException
- GCMMessageTooBigException
- GCMInvalidRegistrationException
- GCMUnavailableException