DCGAN that converts raw guitar sound into effector modified sound.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/hamling-ling/ShaRinGan.git
Download training data set. This takes about 30 sec.
$cd ShaRinGan/data/raw_waves
Convert wave files to bin files
$cd ../../src
$python create_waves_wavfiles.py
Run Training(you can skip)
$cd ../../src
# this takes a few hours with GPU
$python sharingan_train.sh
Or Download pre-trained model
$cd ../../data/output
Run Inference to convert raw to effectored suond
$cd src
You will see raw input, ground truth and converted wav files
$ls ../data/cvt/pretrained_model/
input.wav output.wav target.wav
- input.wav as an input source.
- target.wav is a ground truth.
- output.wav is what generated by GCGAN.
Run visualizing script
$cd src
Then you'll get bunch of images like this. Note that blue: input source, green: ground truth and orange: inference.
- tensorflow 1.13.1
- pysoundfile
Guitar Effector application using this model can be found in app directory. "Jetson Nano DCGAN Guitar Effector"
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details