ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
High-performance, scalable time-series database designed for Industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios
C++ Insights - See your source code with the eyes of a compiler
Random instruction generator for RISC-V processor verification
搞定C++:punch:。C++ Primer 中文版第5版学习仓库,包括笔记和课后练习答案。
Open source process design kit for usage with SkyWater Technology Foundry's 130nm node.
NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source
Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
《C++ Primer Plus 第6版(中文版)》原书代码、习题答案和个人笔记,仅供学习和交流。
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Write scalable load tests in plain Python 🚗💨
Free universal database tool and SQL client
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12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all