PycoQC is a Python 3 package for Jupyter Notebook, computing metrics and generating simple QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies Albacore basecaller
pycoQC is a very simple quality control package for Nanopore data written in pure python3, meant to be used directly in a jupyter notebook 4.0.0 +. As opposed to more exhaustive QC programs for nanopore data, pycoQC is very fast as it relies entirely on the sequencing_summary.txt file generated by ONT Albacore Sequencing Pipeline Software 1.2.1+, during base calling. Consequently, pycoQC will only provide metrics at read level metrics (and not at base level). The package supports 1D and 1D2 runs analysed with Albacore.
PycoQC requires the following fields in the sequencing.summary.txt file:
- 1D run => read_id, run_id, channel, start_time, sequence_length_template, mean_qscore_template
- 1D2 run =>read_id, run_id, channel, start_time, sequence_length_2d, mean_qscore_2d
In addition it will try to get the following optional fields if they are available:
- num_events, calibration_strand_genome_template, passes_filtering
Author: Adrien Leger - [email protected]
Licence: GPLv3
Python version: >=3.3
Ideally, before installation, create a clean python3 virtual environment to deploy the package, using virtualenvwrapper for example (see
seaborn>= 0.7.0
Install the package with pip3. All the required dependencies will be automatically installed.
pip3 install git+
To update the package:
pip3 install git+ --upgrade
With this option, the package will be locally installed in “editable” or “develop” mode. This allows the package to be both installed and editable in project form. This is the recommended option if you wish to participate to the development of the package. As for the option before, the required dependencies will be automatically installed.
git clone
cd pycoQC
chmod u+x
pip3 install -e ./
With this option you can also run the testing notebook located in the source directory pycoQC/test_pycoQC.ipynb
This option is also suitable if you are interested in further developing the package, but requires a little bit more hands-on.
Clone the repository locally
git clone
Add the package directory (./pycoQC/pycoQC) to you python3 PATH (depending on you OS and whether you want it to be permanent ot not)
Install the dependencies (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and notebook)
pip3 install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn notebook
The package is meant to be used in a jupyter notebook 4.0.0 +
If you installed the package in a virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper, jupyter can run the virtualenv as a kernel as explained here
Launch the notebook in a terminal
jupyter notebook
If it does not autolaunch your web browser, open manually the following URL http://localhost:8888/tree
From Jupyter home page you can navigate to the directory you want to work in. Then, create a new Python3 Notebook.
In the notebook, import matplotlib and use the jupyter magic command to enable direct plotting in the current Notebook.
Using the svg format as a backend for matplotlib will generate beautiful vector plots, but is CPU/memory hungry, particularly for the 2D scatter plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
One can also tweak the pandas output to enlarge the dataframes for the tabular data generated by pycoQC
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200
Default pylab parameters can be defined at the beginning of the notebook as well (see for more options)
pl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20,7
pl.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
pl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['DejaVu Sans']
pycoQC is a simple class that is initialized with a sequencing_summary file generated by Albacore 1.2.1 +.
The instantiated object can be subsequently called with various methods that will generates tables and plots
Each function has specific options that are comprehensively detailed in the test notebook provided with the package or in directly on Github: Test_notebook
Most of the plotting functions return a matplotlib fig, ax tuple. This allows users to further customize the plotting areas thanks to the numerous set methods associated with the object (for instance Axes.set_axis_off, Axes.set_xlim, Axes.set_xscale...). Extensive information is available in the Matplotlib API documentation:
All the plotting functions can take a matplotlib "style" option. To list all available styles in your environment, use:
['seaborn-talk', 'dark_background', 'seaborn-white', 'seaborn', 'seaborn-dark', 'seaborn-whitegrid', 'fivethirtyeight', 'seaborn-notebook', 'seaborn-darkgrid', 'seaborn-dark-palette', 'seaborn-bright', 'Solarize_Light2', 'seaborn-muted', 'seaborn-colorblind', 'grayscale', 'fast', 'seaborn-paper', 'seaborn-pastel', '_classic_test', 'seaborn-poster', 'seaborn-ticks', 'bmh', 'seaborn-deep', 'classic', 'ggplot']
from pycoQC.pycoQC import pycoQC
One can also import the jprint and jhelp function from pycoQC to get a improve the default print and help function in jupyter.
from pycoQC.pycoQC_fun import jhelp, jprint
jhelp Can be used to provide a full description of the pycoQC functions using the full option.
jhelp(pycoQC.reads_qual_bins, full=True)
reads_qual_bins (self, bins=[-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 40])
Count the number of reads per interval of sequence quality and return a dataframe
- bins: LIST [Default [-1,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,40]]
Limits of the intervals as a list
Or alternatively one can also use the jupyter magic "?"
A sample test file previously generated by Albacore are provided with the package. They can be listed using the following function
df = pycoQC.example_data_files()
path | description | |
1D_DNA_1.2.1 | /home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/d... | Sequencing summary file generated by a 1D_DNA ... |
1D_RNA_2.0.1 | /home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/d... | Sequencing summary file generated by a 1D_RNA ... |
1D2_DNA_1.2.1 | /home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/d... | Sequencing summary file generated by a 1D2_DNA... |
I recommend using of of theses files to test pycoQC, but you can obviously use your own files instead
jhelp (pycoQC.__init__)
init (self, seq_summary_file, run_type='', runid_list=[], filter_zero_len=False, filter_fail=False, filter_calibration=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)
Parse Albacore sequencing_summary.txt file and clean-up the data
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", verbose=True)
Importing data
50000 reads found in initial file
Verify and rearrange fields
1D Run type
Order run IDs by start time
Processing reads with Run_ID ad3de3b63de71c4c6d5ea4470a82782cf51210d9
Processing reads with Run_ID 7082b6727942b3939a023beaf03ef24cec1722e5
Reindex and sort
50000 Total valid reads found
If several runids are present in the file, pycoQC will order the runids bases on their order in the file, which does not always correspond to the sequencing order. Unfortunately their is no way to know the right order based on the information contained in the sequencing_summary.txt file alone. However if you know the order you can specify it at initialisation (or even exclude specific runids).
runid_list = ["7082b6727942b3939a023beaf03ef24cec1722e5", "ad3de3b63de71c4c6d5ea4470a82782cf51210d9"]
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", runid_list=runid_list, verbose=True)
Importing data
50000 reads found in initial file
Verify and rearrange fields
1D Run type
Order run IDs by start time
Processing reads with Run_ID 7082b6727942b3939a023beaf03ef24cec1722e5
Processing reads with Run_ID ad3de3b63de71c4c6d5ea4470a82782cf51210d9
Reindex and sort
50000 Total valid reads found
Some reads are not "basecallable" and consequently have a length of zero. These reads can be filtered out with the option filter_zero_len.
Starting from Albacore 2.0, ONT introduced additional fields in the sequencing_summary.txt to flag sequences that did not meet the quality requirements and sequences aligned on the internal control. These sequences can be filtered out with the options filter_calibration and filter_fail.
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_calibration=True, filter_fail=True, filter_zero_len=True, verbose=True)
Importing data
50000 reads found in initial file
Verify and rearrange fields
1D Run type
Filter out failed reads
45462 reads discarded
Filter out reads corresponding to the calibration strand
125 reads discarded
Filter out zero length reads
0 reads discarded
Order run IDs by start time
Processing reads with Run_ID 3a0ea63a73db0f9fb611b9da3a37045d249a9be0
Processing reads with Run_ID 2f4d52a34ec56518aa0d051dc4484c2b454abc6a
Processing reads with Run_ID e7d9b3c6bb26250ffaf1f8be9d2d1ae0105204b9
Processing reads with Run_ID f6d788dc15a52f5bbb736aa82c5dee7b9c50d63f
Processing reads with Run_ID 5db3f3d44b7ce2c468a7d786060fe39e59282240
Processing reads with Run_ID a175388e5c1ed0e6a78791f120de1c9efcb46b43
Processing reads with Run_ID b4013533403ec7bbe89d2e9e4021d06c69fe6cf5
Processing reads with Run_ID 135e6b0c7d4223d4047216f10bede4ca5a84eb28
Processing reads with Run_ID 7e95428dd57055c0665696cce1bffc73fd5b5d29
Processing reads with Run_ID aa23fdac499ddcbe80b86a240ee2e803f39d62ea
Reindex and sort
4413 Total valid reads found
overview (self, cmap='Set3', plot_style='ggplot')
Generate a quick overview of the data (tables + plots)
## You don't need to initialize pycoQC every times. But for this tutorial I will do it to show the output obtained with different example files
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt")
g = p.overview (cmap='Set3', plot_style='ggplot')
Overall counts
Count | |
Reads | 5.000000e+04 |
Bases | 4.598551e+08 |
Events | 8.422545e+08 |
Active Channels | 5.070000e+02 |
Run Duration (h) | 4.779043e+01 |
Read count per Run ID
reads | |
ad3de3b63de71c4c6d5ea4470a82782cf51210d9 | 49603 |
7082b6727942b3939a023beaf03ef24cec1722e5 | 397 |
Distribution of quality scores and read lengths
Quality score distribution | Read length distribution | |
count | 50000.000000 | 50000.000000 |
mean | 11.018961 | 9197.102300 |
std | 2.093471 | 12475.543239 |
min | 2.784000 | 5.000000 |
10% | 7.720000 | 744.000000 |
25% | 9.546000 | 2067.000000 |
50% | 11.552000 | 3516.000000 |
75% | 12.692000 | 10581.250000 |
90% | 13.316000 | 28132.200000 |
max | 15.255000 | 49902.000000 |
Distributions per run IDs
pycoQC can generate a mean read quality score as a Dataframe or as a kernel density distribution plot
reads_qual_bins (self, bins=[-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 40])
Count the number of reads per interval of sequence quality and return a dataframe
## Again you don't need to initialize pycoQC every times. But if you missed it before, for this tutorial I will do it to show the output obtained with different example files
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D2_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
p.reads_qual_bins( bins=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 40])
Count | |
Sequence quality ranges | |
(0, 2] | 0 |
(2, 4] | 1 |
(4, 6] | 36 |
(6, 8] | 104 |
(8, 10] | 385 |
(10, 12] | 2420 |
(12, 14] | 3606 |
(14, 16] | 2100 |
(16, 18] | 1112 |
(18, 20] | 209 |
(20, 40] | 2 |
reads_qual_distribution (self, figsize=[30, 7], color='orangered', alpha=0.5, bandwith=0.1, sample=100000, min_qual=0, max_qual=None, min_freq=0, max_freq=None, plot_style='ggplot', **kwargs)
Plot the univariate kernel density estimate of mean read quality
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D2_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.reads_qual_distribution (figsize=[15, 4], color='dodgerblue', alpha=0.5, bandwith=0.5, sample=100000, min_qual=4, max_qual=20, plot_style='ggplot', )
Similarly pycoQC can also compute the read length distribution as a Dataframe or as a kernel density distribution plot
reads_len_bins (self, bins=[-1, 0, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 10000000])
Count the number of reads per interval of sequence length and return a dataframe
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
p.reads_len_bins(bins=[0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 10000000])
Count | |
Sequence lenght ranges | |
(0, 10] | 27 |
(10, 25] | 50 |
(25, 50] | 65 |
(50, 100] | 152 |
(100, 500] | 2172 |
(500, 1000] | 4705 |
(1000, 5000] | 25188 |
(5000, 10000] | 4705 |
(10000, 100000] | 12936 |
(100000, 10000000] | 0 |
reads_len_distribution (self, figsize=[30, 7], color='orangered', alpha=0.5, bandwith=None, sample=100000, min_len=0, max_len=None, min_freq=0, max_freq=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, plot_style='ggplot', **kwargs)
Plot the univariate kernel density estimate of read length in base pairs
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True, filter_calibration=True, filter_fail=True)
fig, ax = p.reads_len_distribution(figsize=[15,4], color='green', alpha=0.5, min_len=0, max_len=600, plot_style='ggplot')
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
fig, ax = p.reads_len_distribution(figsize=[15,4], color='dodgerblue', alpha=0.5, min_len=500, xlog=True, plot_style='seaborn-white')
reads_len_quality (self, figsize=12, kde=True, scatter=True, margin_plot=True, kde_cmap='copper', scatter_color='orangered', margin_plot_color='orangered', kde_alpha=1, scatter_alpha=0.01, margin_plot_alpha=0.5, sample=100000, kde_levels=10, kde_shade=False, min_len=None, max_len=None, min_qual=None, max_qual=None, plot_style='ggplot', **kwargs)
Draw a bivariate plot of read length vs mean read quality with marginal univariate plots.
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_calibration=True, filter_fail=True, filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.reads_len_quality (figsize=10, kde=True, scatter=True, margin_plot=True, kde_levels=15, min_len=0, max_len=600, min_qual=6.5, max_qual=11, scatter_alpha=0.1)
output_over_time (self, level='reads', figsize=[30, 7], runid_lines=True, color='orangered', alpha=0.5, bin_size=240, bin_smothing=3, cumulative=False, sample=100000, plot_style='ggplot', **kwargs)
Plot the output over the time of the experiment at read, base or event level
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.output_over_time(level='bases', figsize=[15, 4], bin_size=240, bin_smothing=5)
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D2_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.output_over_time(level='bases', figsize=[15, 4], color='orangered', cumulative=True)
quality_over_time (self, runid_lines=True, figsize=[30, 7], color='orangered', alpha=0.25, win_size=0.25, plot_style='ggplot', **kwargs)
Plot the evolution of the mean read quality over the time of the experiment
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_DNA_Albacore_1.2.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.quality_over_time(figsize=[15, 4], win_size=0.5)
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True)
g = p.quality_over_time(runid_lines=True, figsize=[15, 4], color='dodgerblue', win_size=0.1, plot_style='seaborn-white')
channels_activity (self, level='reads', figsize=[24, 12], cmap='OrRd', alpha=1, robust=True, annot=True, fmt='d', cbar=False, plot_style='seaborn-white', **kwargs)
Plot the activity of channels at read, base or event level. The layout does not represent the physical layout
of the flowcell based on seaborn heatmap funtion
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True, filter_fail=True)
g = p.channels_activity(level='reads', figsize=[12,6])
p = pycoQC("/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/pycoQC/pycoQC/data/sequencing_summary_1D_RNA_Albacore_2.0.1.txt", filter_zero_len=True, filter_fail=True)
g = p.channels_activity(level='events', cmap="viridis_r", cbar=True, annot=False, figsize=[15,6])
Please be aware that pycoQC is an experimental package that is still under development. It was tested under Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and in an HPC environment running under Red Hat Enterprise 7.1.
You are welcome to contribute by requesting additional functionalities, reporting bugs or by forking and submitting patches or updates pull requests
Thank you
Jon Sanders Github
Thanks to Kim Judge for providing a few example sequencing summary files.