Hangular-Modern Design is a web component based Framework for front end development built with node and angularjs 1.6. The application logic has shifted from server side to client side. We write all the application logic in javascript and html.It is very important to build a pattern of development that would help the developer write and develop neat and reusable code.Modern web development has introduced the concept of web components , react and angular are two major javascript libraries that provides a good way of defining and writing components. Major problem with this approach is that there is alot of javascript to be included in our html pages. Structuring the project is even more difficult and problamatic. So here I have developed a framework that takes care of all these modern web development problems. This framework is built with Nodejs,Gulpjs and angularJs. This framework bundles and minifies all the javascript,html,css and provides a neat and tidy code for production.
I have been a strugling Ux/UI engineer for a while . And to create a folder structure for my project was the most challanging task ever. Organisation of the code is very important when working with the team. If you are the project creator, it is fairly easy for you to dive into the code structure but for others it is difficult. So it is important to make a structure that makes development as well as organisation of code easy.So i wanted to make a project that would make organizing independent modules easy, which is why i started with this this project.
##Features 1.Javascript code hint and beep sound on error.
2.Error notifications in Cmd/terminal.
3.Automatic bundling and minification.
4.Html Bundling into angular templateCache service.
5.Component Design Architecture.
6.Automatic Build and bundling on save.
7.Browser auto refresh on save.
8.Automatic Sass Compilation and css minification.
9.Automatic Js Build and Uglify.
10.html templates compressed in angular $templateCache service.
11.Image optimization.
12.All dependencies downloaded from npm.
13.automatic file transfer to production Folder.
14.Seperation of concern.
15.Easy Commands to add new components.
16.Easy installation.
You need to install NodeJs for this project to run successfully. This project uses NODEJS,GULPJS as build tools or task runners.If you dont have node installed please intall node first.
WINDOWS: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 68576280
sudo apt-add-repository "deb https://deb.nodesource.com/node_5.x $(lsb_release -sc) main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
once the node and npm is installed you need to install gulp globally.
Here is how you can download and install gulp : Open cmd/terimnal and type the following commands.
npm install gulp
npm install gulp -g
npm install --global gulp-cli
for WINDOWS: You need to make sure that node,gulp path environment variable are set.to test type node or gulp in the command line and hit enter. If you do not see any error then your path is set. Otherwise you need to explicitly set the path variables.
If you are getting an error like "gulp is not recognized" then follow the below link for solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24027551/gulp-command-not-found-error-after-installing-gulp
I have included all the node packages used in this project and still if you want to download them manually please install node npm on your system and open package.json file to look for all the project dependencies required. You can use npm to download them for your system.
##UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT STRUCTURE Before starting this project. It is important to know that this project is using gulpjs as a build tool and a task runnner. to know more about gulpjs here is a reference given https://scotch.io/tutorials/automate-your-tasks-easily-with-gulp-js. Here we are following a definite folder structure and it is advised to follow the same otherwise the build tool might fail.
The folder structure of this project is very simple. We have 3 basic folders in our root directory with a gulpfile.js, package.json and readme.md
1.Development Folder : This folder contains all the files and sub folders where you will actually code.(html,sass/css,js,).
2.Production Folder : This folder will be automatically populated with the files from the dev folder. Gulp does that task and all code for that is written in gulpfile.js. So you dont have to write or edit any file in this folder.
3.Node modules Folder : This contains all the node modules required for the project. refer to packages.json to check all the dependencies required.
| |----Assets
| | |----Css
| | | |----bootstrap.css //all your vendor/css libraries go here.
| | |
| | |----Js
| | | |----appConfig.js // angular module definition is done here.
| | | |----vendor.js //all external Js libraries and dependencies for angular module like uiRouter are required here.
| | |---Images
| | |--- // all images for dev are kept here.
| |
| |----Components
| | |----Application // the basic component of this Framework . the entry point.
| | | |----application.html.
| | | |----application.scss.
| | | |----application.controller.js.
| | | |----application.service.js.
| | | |----_colors.scss.
| | | |----_variables.scss.
| | | |----_components.scss.
| | | |----_mixins.scss.
| | |
| | |----Common
| | | |----Navigation // reusable components like drop down list,nav,tables pictures,etc).
| | | | |----navigation.html
| | | | |----navigation.js
| | | | |----navigation.controller.js
| | | | |----navigation.scss
| | | | |----navigation.service.js
| | | |----YourModule
| | | |----gifDisplay.html
| | | |----gifDisplay.js
| | | |----gifDisplay.scss
| | | |----gifDisplay.controller.js
| | | |----gifDisplay.service.js
| | |-----View
| | | |----gif //all components that are used a Views/ pages/partials.
| | | |----gif.html
| | | |----gif.js
| | | |----gif.controller.js
| | | |----gif.service.Scss
| | | |----gif.scss
| |
| |
| |----index.html
| |----Css
| | |----bundle.css //all our custom css
| | |----vendor.css // all css libraries are bundled and minified here.
| |----Js
| | |----bundle.js // all our custom js (anglar modules and components).
| | |----vendor.js // all js libraries and dependencies for angularjs
| | |----templateCache.js // angularApp that has templatecache service with all html files in it,
| |----Images
| | |--- logi.png // all images are transfered here,
| |
| |----index.html
| |
|----Node Modules
| |---- // all required modules.
|----gulpfile.js // build tasks are written here.
|----packages.json // all dependencies for project are here.
##The Framework
The pre-requisites for this project are : AngularJs 1.6, NodeJs and Sass for styling. Sass files are compiled into css files by gulp js. Node syntax in components is also converted into Js by gulp js.
What's interesting about this project is that it is using Angular Components extensively.
So what exactly are components ?
Components are reusable piece of codes that can be used anywhere in the application by just using the component tag <some-component></some-component>
here is an article given for reference of angular components by todd motto https://toddmotto.com/exploring-the-angular-1-5-component-method/
There are 2 types of components in this framework:
- Views (partials) : these are the pages/views that change on routing,ex home page,profile page ,about page etc. all these pages/views/partials are identified as components. They have their own Html,scss/css,definition,routing,controller and Services. With this, these pages/components becomes completely independent. And if working in a team, different members can be working on different components. they will not interfere in other team members work. all the webservice calls for the component will be made in the component service.js file and to display the data it will be passed into the "Common component".
<my-post post-data="$ctrl.posts"></my-posts>
to Create a new view Component there is a simple command written. open Terminal/cmd in the root folder and type this command
npm run add-view ViewName
//ViewName is your page name/routename/partial/view etc
//NOTE : ViewName should be pascal cased.
gulp view-component --options ComponentName
- Common : these are the reusable components with act as seperate web parts. you can pass data objects into them and from the parent controller display. or you can call the data from the seperate webservices and represent them. you would need use angular lifecycle hooks to handle the data. like $onInit(),$onChange(),$onDestroy() etc.these components have their own html,css,definition,service and controllers. to Create a new Common Component there is a simple command written. Open Terminal/cmd in the root folder and type this command
npm run add-view CommonComponentName
//CommonComponentName is your component/widget/web part etc name.
//NOTE : CommonComponentName should be pascal cased.
gulp common-component --options ComponentName
ANGULAR TEMPLATE CACHE SERVICE: To bundle up the html partials we will be taking advantage of angular js $templateCacheService. So using gulp we will automaticaly transfer and convert all html partials of the components into the angular template cache.
return $templateCache.get('Views/AlbumPhotos/albumPhotos.html');
app.component('myComponent',new myComponentConfig());
function myComponentConfig(){
return $templateCache.get('Views/myComponent/myComponent.html');
//this is to inject dependencies into the function so that we dont lose
//it on minification/uglification
to read about template cache here is a good reference : https://thinkster.io/templatecache-tutorial
##Assets Folder The Assets folder contain all the static files required for the project, like Css libraries,Fonts, Js libraries etc. we have 3 sub folder in Assets.
Css : contains all css libraries.all these files will be coppied and minified vendor.css to the production folder. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KEEP Un MINIFIED VERSION OF CSS FILES. beacuse gulp is minifying the files for us.
Images : this contains all Development images for the project. like logo,copyright images etc.
Js : This is an important folder. it contains 2 main Js files.
3.a. appConfig.js : this file contains the angular module definition which is referenced in all the component files. all the depending modules are injected here in the angular app, like ui-router.
NOTE: here we are using templateCache module as first DI, DO NOT remove it. because we are using angular template cache to optimize the html partials and they are taken into a seperate angular app 'templateCache'. this needs to be there otherwise app will fail.
3.b. vendor.js: this file contains all the Js libraries required for this app. like angularjs,uirouter etc. we are using node requrie syntax to get the libraries.
var angular=require('angular');
var router=require('angular-ui-router');
NOTE : here we have downloaded angular from npm and required it with node syntax. all the required files will be exported as vendor.js to production folder and will contain all the libraries minifies/uglified. please make sure that all the libraries are un-minified/uglified . gulp is going to the uglification task for us.
npm install --save-dev angular
#The Entry Point. The entry point of this application is the "Application Component".This is the root of the application and is included in your development/index.html . This is basically an entry point component and inside this component template we start our web application. All other components will inherit from this component as being parent of all.
<!-- index.html !-->
<!-- this is the entry point of the application !-->
Application component contains :
1.application.js :Contains module defintion and route .
2.application.html : Contains template for this module
3.applicationService.js : All webservice calls should be written in factory inside it.
4.applicationController: The controller for this application
5.application.scss : Site scss file. which sets the layout for the app.
6._colors.scss : A seperate sass partials only for colors
7._components.scss : Sass partials for css components like buttons,table , accordion etc
8._variable.scss : All sass varables should be written here. NOTE: i have already included all device media queries variables/mixins in _variable.scss files. 9._mixins.scss : All Sass mixins should be written here. NOTE: these sass partials are automatically included in all component sass files.
##How to Start. Once all the dependencies have been installed you can start the project by simply typing this command in CMD/terminal in the root folder.
npm start
npm run start
This will automatically start a node server and will serve files from the production folder.
For WINDOWS Uses node-sass might cause an error. if so please type in this command.
npm rebuild node-sass
this is might happen because node-sass package might not be compatible with windows. so rebuild it.
While adding new images to asset folder in development run this command in the root directory to transfer files to the production folder.
gulp image
##Gulpfile.js All the automation and task building work is done in gulpfile.js there are specific gulp taks defined in this file that takes care of the automation and build process. some of the features are commented out and some need to be commented when finally taking the code to production. Proper Error handeling is done. if anything goes wrong, you will hear a Beep sound (in windows os only) when error or warnings occur. it is advised to try to solve or fix all the possible errors and warnings.
All the task names are listed below :
default : this is te default gulp task that runs all other tasks when gulp is loaded and also invokes "watch" task
watch : this task watches all the files for the changes, if change occured (by saving the file) the corosponding task will be invoked. this keeps all files upto date in production folder.
jshint : provides javascript code errors and warnings with a beep sound if code mistake is made.
build-css : compiles Sass,coppies files to bundle.css
browser-sync : automatically refreshes browser when change occurs.
build-component-js : Converts Component Js files to bundle.js.
build-vendor-js : converts all Js libraries to vendor.js.
build-vendor-css : converts all Css libraries to vendor.css.
view-component : creates a new View component that is the component with route. all required css,js,html files are automatically created by this command.
common-component : creates a new common component that is the component that displays data. all required css,js,html files are automatically created by this command.
build-template-cache : creates a new angular app as templateCache and pushes all html templates of components to this app. every html files in the compoenent is cached by this.
image : this task coppies and optimizes all images placed in Asset folder to the production folder.
NOTE: Some of the tasks features are commented. please uncomment them when taking the code to production. 1.the task build-component-js has uglify() feature commented. uncomment it while finally taking code to production and build it.
2.the taks build-component-js has sourcemaps.write() is uncommented. comment it and build the code before taking to production because size of the file bundle.js gets increase due to source maps. also delete the source maps in all the css,js files in the production folder. the source maps are located at the bottom of each file and should be removed if you dont want to do debuging in original files.