- Joe Cutrone and Nick Marshburn, Chapters 1 to 4, part.
- Steven V Sam, http://math.mit.edu/~ssam/soln/ (broken link), 2008. Chapter4 1 to 4, part.
- Andrew Egbert, http://divisibility.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/fullhartshornesolutions1.pdf (broken link), 2013. Chapters 1 to 5, all.
- Richard Borcherds, https://math.berkeley.edu/~reb/courses/256A/, 1994. Chapter 1 & 4, part.
- Bryden R. Cais, http://math.arizona.edu/~cais/CourseNotes/AlgGeom04/Hartshorne_Solutions.pdf, 2004. Chapter 2 to 4, part.
- ismail saglam and Chris, http://algebraicgeometry.blogspot.de/, 2008--2009. Chapter 2 and 3, all.
- Chris Lomont, http://lomont.org/Math/Solutions.pdf (broken link), 1999. Chapters 2 to 4, part.
- Jinhyun Park, http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~jinhyun/sol2/hart.html. Chapters 1 to 5, part.
- W Stein, http://wstein.org/AG.html. Chapters 2 and 3, part.
- Piye Yang, https://github.com/Ngiap/Hartshorne-Solutions (broken link), chapters 1 to 5, all.
- Christopher Eur, https://math.berkeley.edu/~ceur/notes_pdf/Eur_HartshorneNotes.pdf (broken link), chapters 1 to 5, all.
If you can read Japanese, the Japanese version 代数幾何学 1-3 translated by 高橋 宣能 includes hints to all the exercises.