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JingMatrix / LSPatch
Forked from LSPosed/LSPatchLSPatch: A non-root Xposed framework extending from LSPosed
MyDomoAtHome - REST interface for ImperoHome with Domoticz (ISS)
Zepp OS File Manager application
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
My homebrew for Xiaomi Smart Band 7
Script to install Video Station in DSM 7.2.2
A curated list of FOSS Android TV apps
Source for the Termux build on Google Play.
Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
inotia00 / revanced-manager
Forked from ReVanced/revanced-manager💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android
Companion application for Flipper Authenticator software-based TOTP/HOTP authenticator for Flipper Zero device.
Big plugins pack built for latest flipper firmware (builds in releases for UL only)
Software-based TOTP/HOTP authenticator for Flipper Zero device.
Contains many tools to control android system via shizuku.
Flipper Ønline (FØ /Eff:Null/) A Flipper Zero Multiplayer Game Inspired by Digimon & Megaman V-Pets
eXtended Permission Manager for Android - view, set, watch Manifest Permissions and AppOps
DarQ provides a per-app selectable force dark option for Android 10 and above
Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options
An Android NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags.
EUDI Wallet Prototype
Easily Flash Marauder onto the Flipper Zero Devboard or an ESP32!
Always fresh, downloadable zip files for all awesome-flipperzero resources ready to put in your microsd.
Random scripts for generating Flipper data files.
🐬 Feature-rich, stable and customizable Flipper Firmware