A curated list of amazingly awesome repository created and contributed by Indonesian people.
It aims to inspire what has been made by Indonesian people and hopefully can give you encouragement to contribute in Open-source software.
Inspired by sindresorhus/awesome
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
- Android
- Awesome List
- Books
- Content Management System
- Databases
- Dotfiles
- Framework
- Front-end Development
- Game
- GO
- JavaScript
- Jekyll Theme
- Learn
- Linux Software
- Plugin
- Python
- R
- Natural Language Processing
- Miscellaneous
- Community
- Android StepsView - A simple progress steps view on Android.
- WhatsApp ProfileCollapsingToolbar - An Android custom animation view that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style.
- Ziliun React Native - Ziliun article reader android app built with React Native.
- React Tomato Timer - A simple timer for a more productive way to work and study built with ReactJS.
- Compressor - An android image compression library.
- android-base-mvp - Android Base MVP Concept with RXJava, Dagger, Event Bus, Retrofit, Glide, OkHTTP.
- RxDownloader - An Rx wrapper for Download Manager in Android.
- ImageEffectFilter - Android image filter processing sample using layer drawable and effect factory android.
- React Native Credit Card - React native credit card display component.
- Android Color Picker - To customize the color of some background, text, or maybe for a painting application.
- ImagePicker - A configureable library to select image from gallery and camera without the hassle.
- CafeBar - An upgraded Snackbar for Android that provides more options and easy to use.
- CandyBar - Android icon pack dashboard library.
- WallpaperBoard - Android wallpaper dashboard library.
- Nike+ Running - React Native - UI & UX Prototype of redesigned Nike+ Running App.
- Subtitle CollapsingToolbarLayout - Standard CollapsingToolbarLayout with subtitle support.
- Benih - A standard template for Android apps by Zelory
- Awesome Indonesia Repo - A curated list of amazingly awesome repository created by Indonesian people.
- Awesome CodeIgniter - A list of awesome CodeIgniter core, helpers, hooks, language, libraries, and third party.
- Engineering Blogs - A curated list of engineering blog of startup and enterprise company.
- NLP Bahasa Indonesia - A curated list of Indonesian Natural Language Processing resources.
- Awesome Indonesia Telegram Groups - List of All Programming Telegram Group in Indonesia.
- Awesome Guidelines - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- Free Programming Books Indonesia - Freely available programming books with Indonesia Language.
- Buku Git - Buku Version Control menggunakan Git.
- E-Library MDC - E-Library yang berisi kumpulan E-Book tentang dunia IT.
- JVM Handbook - Buku pembahasan detil tentang cara kerja dan internal JVM.
- Lentera - Learning Management from Nusantara.
- Pusaka CMS - File-based CMS build with CodeIgniter Framework.
- Elybin CMS - Sistem manajemen konten gratis yang berfokus kepada kegunaan, kecepatan, dan kemudahan.
- Fiyo CMS - CMS Open Source with Easy Design, Fast Load, and SEO Friendly.
- Wayang CMS - Wayang CMS is Open Source CMS made in Indonesia.
- HTMLy - HTMLy is an Databaseless or Flat-File Blogging Platform prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP.
- PopojiCMS - Buat Sendiri Rasa Webmu.
- Wilayah Administratif Indonesia - Data Provinsi, Kota/Kabupaten, Kecamatan, dan Kelurahan/Desa di Indonesia.
- Panada - High performance PHP development framework, yet simple.
- Puko Framework - MVC framework for quick PHP application development.
- IGOS Nusantara SDK - A SDK designed specifically for application developers in IGOS Nusantara.
- EmeraldBox - EmeraldBox is a boilerplate framework for developing python web applications with database access.
- Bootstrap Markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing.
- Marka - Beautiful transformable icons built for the web.
- Waves - Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design.
- React Komik - ReactJS based comic strip creator using fabric.js canvas rendering.
- Word Chain - Multiplayer word chaining game using AngularJS and firebase.
- KatanyaGomoku - Modification Game of Tic Tac Toe using Java Languange.
- unzipall - Unzip all zip files in src directory to dst directory.
- Inflector - Inflector pluralizes and singularizes English nouns.
- Snowboard - API blueprint parser and renderer.
- Shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go.
- PhantomJS - Scriptable Headless WebKit.
- jQuery Calx - jQuery plugin for creating formula-based calculation.
- JVFloat.js - jQuery / Zepto plugin to emulate Matt D. Smith's floating placeholder text.
- Meteoris2 - Realtime Javascript Boilerplate base on MeteorJS Framework.
- SimpleExcel.js - Client-side script to easily parse / convert / write any Microsoft Excel.
- UAParser.js - Lightweight JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser.
- jQuery Awesome Sosmed Share Button - Awesome social media button with share count.
- Kinetic - Kinetic Scrolling with JavaScript.
- Esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
- PHUNT - Product Hunt Command Line Client.
- React Simple PWA - Simple Progressive Web App Built with React Js.
- Soya Next - An opinionated configured Next.js framework.
- Angkot - A searchable Jakarta’s public transportation routes.
- Iyem - Simple implementation multi thread in nodejs
- react-electron-starter - A starter for create apps with Electron and ReactJS
- cra-universal - Create React App companion for universal app. No eject, zero config, full HMR, and more
- Angular Starter - Gulp Angular Starter using TypeScript.
- Angular Webpack Starter - Angular Webpack Starter with AoT compilation, Lazy-loading, Tree-shaking, and Hot Module Reload.
- Express4 Bootstrap Starter - Lightweight Bootstrap NodeJS Apps Build Using ExpressJS 4.
- Vue 2 Starter - Simple Vue 2 Starter for single page application with Vuex and Vue Router.
- Vue 2 Simplert - Vue 2 Simple Alert Component (SweetAlert Inspired).
- Vue SoundCloud - Vuejs + SoundCloud demo app.
- Vue Autocomplete - Autocomplete Component for Vue.js.
- Vue Mini Shop - Mini Online Shop Built With Vue.js.
- Vue Loading Bar - Youtube Like Loading Bar Component for Vue.js.
- Vue 2 Loading Bar - Simplest Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue 2.
- Vue Simple PWA - Simple Progressive Web App Built with Vue.js.
- Explore GitHub - VueJS 2 GitHub Explorer Using API v3.
- Salat Time - Location based daily salat schedule.
- Tic Tac Vue - Tic tac toe game implemented with Vue.js.
- JekMDL - Jekyll theme use Material Design Lite.
- Mangan - Geek theme for Jekyll.
- Stack Problem - Free and open-source Jekyll theme.
- Belajar Git - Tutorial Git dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
- Ruby Basic - Learning material for Ruby Programming Language, written in Bahasa Indonesia.
- Docs vuejs id - Dokumentasi Vue.js Bahasa Indonesia.
- PUEBI Daring - PUEBI Daring adalah versi web ramah gawai dari PUEBI Permendikbud 50/2015.
- KBBI Qt - KBBI Qt adalah aplikasi Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia berbasis GUI.
- Frost Plank Theme - Quite dark Plank theme.
- Blitz CLI - A command line app to check cgv blitz movie seats.
- Manokwari - A desktop shell for GNOME 3 with GTK+ and HTML5 frontend.
- PHP-BOOTSTRAP - Simple design templates framework together with the famous bootstrap.
- Simple PHP Excel - Easily parse / convert / write any Microsoft Excel.
- Membership PHP Indonesia - Membership Application for PHP Indonesia.
- playCMS - Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway.
- Terbilang - Convert numbers into words in Indonesian language.
- SLiMS 8 Akasia - SLiMS is free open source software for library resources management and administration.
- Gas ORM - A lighweight and easy-to-use ORM for CodeIgniter.
- SunQA - Simple App Question Answer like Stackoverflow.
- CodeIgniter Websocket Apache Secure - Combination of CodeIgniter + Ratchet Websocket with Secure Connection.
- Avatar - Plug and play avatar, turn initial name into beautiful avatar.
- Pingpong Admin - Laravel 5 Admin.
- Absis - Sistem Akademik K13/KTSP Berbasis Web.
- AppRocket PreProject - Contoh aplikasi CRUD dengan Laravel 5.2.
- Laravel Circuit Breaker - Circuit Breaker pattern implementation in Laravel 5.
- Laravel Simple Uploader - Simple file uploader for Laravel 5.
- Laravel 5 Model Factory Generator - Generate a new model factory using Artisan command.
- Laravolt Indonesia - Package Laravel yang berisi data Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota, dan Kecamatan/Desa di Indonesia.
- Semantic Form - Semantic UI form builder, for Laravel.
- CRUD Booster - Easy Admin Dashboard & CRUD generator for Laravel.
- Dokularavel - DOKU Payment Gateway Library for Laravel.
- Slim Starter - Starter Application built on Slim Framework in MVC (and HMVC) environment.
- Boilerplate Slim 3 - Boilerplate for getting started with Slim Framework.
- Symfonian Indonesia AdminBundle - Admin Bundle with Symfony Framework.
- Tania - An open source farming management system.
- Yii2 Admin - Auth manager for Yii2 (RBAC Manager).
- WP Slack - This plugin allows you to send notifications to Slack channels when certain events in WordPress occur.
- Minimalist - A Material Colorscheme Darker for Vim.
- WordGraph - Weighting word frequency graph.
- fasttext - A Python interface for Facebook fastText.
- HSR - Hand signals recognition using Convolutional Neural Network implemented in TensorFlow.
- KalkulatorPajak - Indonesian Tax Calculator
- Sastrawi - High quality stemmer library for Indonesian Language.
- PySastrawi - Python port of high quality stemmer library for Indonesian Language.
- Mac OSX Lion Theme - (Web) Static site theme with Mac OSX Lion style.
- Indonesian AdBlock Rules - Compiled ABP rules to block various ads in Indonesian based site.
- Indonesia on Top Regional Repositories - Popular repositories in Indonesia.
- Topojson of Indonesia - TopoJSON of Indonesia (Kota/Kabupaten Level), useful for data visualisation.
- Unblock host ID - Script ini dapat membantu anda untuk bypass semua konten website yang diblokir Internet Positif melalui file hosts tanpa harus menggunakan vpn.
- Komunitas Git Indonesia
- PHP Indonesia
- CodeIgniter Indonesia
- Laravel Indonesia
- Id-Laravel
- Symfonian Indonesia
- Komunitas Pengguna Go Indonesia
- Python Indonesia
- Jakarta JavaScript User Group
- Bali JavaScript Community
- React JS Indonesia
- Nginx Indonesia
- Asosiasi Programmer Indonesia
- Django Indonesia
- Haskell Indonesia
- Indonesian Ruby Community
- Kotlin Indonesia
- Nodejs Indonesia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.