3DRepoBouncer is essentially the refactored 3DRepoCore and (parts of) 3DRepoGUI. It is a C++ library providing 3D Repo Scene Graph definition, repository management and manipulation logic as well as direct MongoDB databse access.
We always recommend using the Latest stable release. However, to access cutting-edge development versions, check out the tags.
This project is Copyright of 3D Repo Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales No. 09014101, and is released under the open source GNU Affero General Public License v3. Should you require a commercial license, please contact [email protected]. All contributors are required to sign either the 3D Repo Individual or the 3D Repo Entity Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
We very much encourage contributions to the 3D Repo project. Firstly, fork the desired repository and commit your modifications there. Once happy with the changes, you can generate a pull request and our team will integrate it upstream after a review.
Your pull requests should:
- Follow the style of the existing code
- One commit should just do one thing, and one thing only
- Work in a branch assigned to a specific issue number, e.g. branch called "ISSUE_138"
- Each commit message should be prefixed with the issue number, e.g. "#138 Fixing bug xyz..."
- Rebase your branch against upstream's master so that we don't pull redundant commits
- Sign our 3D Repo Individual CLA or if you are representing a legal entity, sign the 3D Repo Entity CLA
Doxygen documentation can be found here
3DRepoBouncer relies on the following libraries:
- Boost Library v1.55.0 - v1.60.0
See also pre-built binaries for Windows and modular Boost on GitHub - Mongo CXX Driver Legacy v1.0+ See 3D Repo guide for compiling MongoDB
- ASSIMP See 3D Repo guide for compiling ASSIMP
- 3D Repo IFCOpenShell Fork This relies on 3D Repo's fork of OCCT. See 3D Repo guide for compiling IFCOpenShell
The following are optional dependencies depending on your configuration
- AWS SDK for C++
- 3D Repo Synchro Reader - 3D Repo's proprietary library for reading Synchro SPM files.
- Teigha Drawing and BIM library - Proprietary library for reading RVT and DGN files
To compile and install the library, the following are used:
- Python v2.x
- [CMAKE v2.8] (http://www.cmake.org/)
- A C++ compiler (GNU GCC v4.9+, Visual Studio 12+)
See instructions at 3drepo#9 (comment)
Ensure Mongo CXX Driver, Boost and ASSIMP libraries are installed.
The following instruction is for compiling a 64bit library using Visual Studio 12's tools. Change the pathing/cmake option appropriately if you are using another version of Visual Studio or compiling with a different compiler.
In command line prompt: set the following environmental variables to the directories of your installations:
$env:BOOST_ROOT = path_to_boost
$env:BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = path_to_boost_libraries (i.e path_to_boost\lib64-msvc-12.0)
(NOT REQUIRED if libraries are in$BOOST_ROOT/lib
)$env:MONGO_ROOT = path_to_mongo_cxx_driver
$env:ASSIMP_ROOT = path_to_assimp
$env:OCCT_ROOT = path_to_occt
$env:OCCT_LIB_DIR = path_to_occt_libraries (e.g path_to_occt\win64\vc14\lib)
(NOT REQUIRED if libraries are in$OCCT_ROOT/lib
)$env:IFCOPENSHELL_ROOT = path_to_ifcOpenShell
You will also require the following if you are building with ODA_SUPPORT
You will also require the following if you are building with SYNCHRO_SUPPORT
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/3drepo/3drepobouncer.git
- Change directory:
cd 3drepobouncer
- Update CMake files:
python updateSources.py
- Create off-source build directory:
mkdir build
- Change directory:
cd build
- Configure build with CMAKE:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ../
- Build the library:
msbuild 3drepobouncer.vcxproj
Ensure Mongo CXX Driver, Boost and ASSIMP libraries are installed.
If the libraries are not installed in /usr, /usr/local, /opt/local,
set the following environmental variables:
export BOOST_ROOT = path_to_boost
export MONGO_ROOT = path_to_mongo_cxx_driver
export ASSIMP_ROOT = path_to_assimp
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/3drepo/3drepobouncer.git
- Change directory:
cd 3drepobouncer
- Update CMake files:
python updateSources.py
- Create off-source build directory:
mkdir build
- Change directory:
cd build
- Configure build with CMAKE:
cmake ../
- Build the library:
Apart from the CMakeLists.txt
at root level, every other cmake file is automatically generated. If you have moved/created any source/header files, please run python updateSources.py
to update the CMakeLists.txt
files within the subdirectories before compiling.
Do NOT modify any CMakeLists.txt
files within src folder as any changes will be overwritten when updateSources.py
is executed!
If you need any help or want to contribute please contact: [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you.