- Introduction
- Setup
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Arrays
- Loops
- Functions
- Scope
- Hoisting
- Object
- Class
- Document Object Model
- Functional Programming
- Call Back and Higher Order Functions
- Destructuring
- Rest and Spread
- Document Object Model
- Regular Expressions
- Local Storage
- Cookies
Welcome to JavaScript. Congratulations for deciding to learn JavaScript. JavaScript for Everone is a guide for both beginner and advanced JavaScript developers. In this step by step tutorial, I will teach you JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the history of mankind. You use JavaScript to add interactivity to websites, to develop mobile apps, desktop applications, games and nowadays JavaScript can be used for machine learning and AI. JavaScript (JS) has increased in popularity in recent years and has been the leading programming language for four consecutive years and is the most used programming language on Github
First thing first, lets install text or code editor. Install code editor, it could be vscode, atom, bracket, notepad++ or others. I recommend vscode. Install either Chrome or Firefox if you didn't have yet.
JavaScript can be added to a web pages in three ways:
- Inline script
- Internal script
- External script
The following sections shows different ways of adding JavaScript code to your web page.
Create a folder on your desktop or in any location and create an index.html file. Then paste the following code and open it in a browser, either in Chrome or Firefox.
<DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript for Everyone</title>
<button onclick= "alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');">Click Me</button>
Internal script can be written in the head or the body but it is preferrable to put it on the body of the html document.
<DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript for Everyone</title>
console.log('Welcome to JavaScript for Everyone')
<DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript for Everyone</title>
//it could be in header or in the body
// Here is the recommended place to put the script
<script src="introduction.js"></script>
Variables are containers of data. Variables store data in a memory location. When a variable is declared a memory location is reserved and when it is assigned to a value, the memory space will be filled. To declare a variable we use, var, let or const key word. For a variable which changes at different time we use let but if the data doesn't change at all we use const. For example PI, country name, gravity.
// Declaring different variables of different data types
let firstName = "Asabeneh"; // first name of a person
let lastName = "Yetayeh"; // last name of a person
let location = "Helsinki";// capital city
const country = "Finland"; // country
let age = 100; // age in years
let isMarried = true;
console.log(firstName, lastName, location, country, age);//Asabeneh, Yetayeh,Helsinki, Finland,100
// Declaring variables with number values
const gravity = 9.81; // in m/s2
const boilingPoint = 100; // temperature in oC
const PI = 3.14; // geometrical constant
console.log(gravity, boilingPoint, PI); // 9.81, 100, 3.14
// Variables can also be declaring in one line
let name = "Asabeneh", //name of a person
job = "teacher",
live = "Finland";
console.log(name, job, live)
- Declare variables to store your first name, last name, marital status, country and age in multiple lines
- Declare variables to store your first name, last name, marital status, country and age in a single line
- Declare two variables myAge and yourAge and assign them initial values and log to browser console. Output:
I am 25 years old.
You are 30 years old.
Commenting in JavaScript is similar to other programming languages. Comments can help to make code more readable. There are two ways of commenting:
- Single line commenting
- Multiline commenting
// let firstName = 'Asabeneh'; single line comment
// let lastName = 'Yetayeh'; single line comment
Multiline commenting:
let location = 'Helsinki';
let age = 100;
let isMarried = true;
This is a Multiple line comment
- Write a single line comment which says, comments can make code readable
- Write a multiline comment which says, comments can make code readable, easy to use and informative
In JavaScript and also other programming languages there are different kinds of data types. The following are JavaScript primitive data types:String, Number, Boolean, undefined, Null and Symbol.
- The JavaScript typeof operator uses to check different data types. Check the data type of each variables from question number 1.
Strings are text which are under single or double quote. Lets' see some examples of string:
let firstName = 'Asabeneh';
let lastName = 'Yetayeh';
let country = 'Finland';
let city = 'Helsinki';
let language = 'JavaScript';
let job = 'teacher'
// Declaring different variables of different data types
let firstName = 'Asabeneh';
let lastName = 'Yetayeh';
let country = 'Finland';
let city = 'Helsinki';
let language = 'JavaScript';
let job = 'teacher'
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName; // concatination, merging two string together.
let personInfoOne = fullName + ".I am " + age + ". I live in " + country; // ES5
let personInfoTwo = `I am ${fullName}.I am ${age}. I live in ${country}`; //ES6 - String interpolation method
let personInfoThree = `I am ${fullName}. I live in ${city}, ${country}. I am a ${job}. I teach ${language}.`
- Declare a variable name company and assign it to an initial value "Coding Academy".
- Print the string on the browser console using console.log()
- Print the length of the string on the browser console using console.log()
- Change all the string to capital letters using toUpperCase() method
- Change all the string to lowercase letters using toLowerCase() method
- Cut(slice) out the first word of the string using slice, substr() or substring() method
- Use substr to slice out the phase because because because in the following sentence:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'
- Check if the string contains a word Academy using includes() method
- Split the string into array using split() method
- Split the string Coding Academy at the space using split() method
- "Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle, Amazon" split the string at the comma and change it to an array.
- Change Coding Academy to Microsoft Academy using replace() method.
- What is character at index 10 in "Coding Academy" string use charAt() method.
- What is the character code of A in 'Coding Academy' string using charCodeAt()
- Use indexOf to determine the position of the first occurrence of c in Coding Academy
- Use lastIndexOf to determine the position of the last occurrence of c in Coding Academy.
- Use indexOf to find the position of the first occurrence of the word because in the following sentence:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'
- Use lastIndexOf to find the position of the first occurrence of the word because in the following sentence:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'
- Use search to find the position of the first occurrence of the word because in the following sentence:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'
- Use trim() to remove if there is trailing whitespace at the beginning and the end of a string.E.g " Coding Academy ".
- Use startsWith() method with the string Coding Academy make the result true
- Use endsWith() method with the string Coding Academy make the result true
- Use match() method to find all the c’s in Coding Academy
- Use match() to count the number all because's in the following sentence:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'
- Use concat() and merge 'Coding' and 'Academy' to a single string, 'Coding Academy'
- Use repeat() method to print Coding Academy 5 times
- Calculate the total annual income of the person by extract the numbers from the following text. 'He earns 5000 euro from salary per month, 10000 euro annual bonus, 15000 euro online courses per month.'
Numbers are integers and decimal values which can do all the arithemtic operations Lets' see some examples of Numbers
let age = 35;
let gravity = 9.81; // m/s2
let mass = 72 // keg
const PI = 3.14;// constant
//More Examples
const boilingPoint = 100; // oC, boiling point of water
var bodyTemp = 37; // oc body temperature
console.log(age, gravity, mass, PI, boilingPoint,bodyTemp)
Boolean value is either true or false. Any comparisons return a boolean value which is either true or false.
let isRaining = false
let hungery = false;
let isMarried = true;
Boolean value is either true or false.
- Write three JavaScript statement which provide truthy value.
- Write three JavaScript statement which provide falsy value.
- Use all the following comparison operators to compare the following values: >, < >=, <=, !=, !==,===. Which are true or which are false ?
- 4 > 3
- 4 >= 3
- 4 < 3
- 4 <= 3
- 4 == 4
- 4 === 4
- 4 != 4
- 4 !== 4
- 4 != '4'
- 4 == '4'
- 4 === '4'
let firstName;
console.log(firstName); //not defined
let empty = null;
console.log(empty); //no value
String, number, boolean, null, undefined and symbol(ES6) are JavaScript primitive data types.
- The JavaScript typeof operator uses to check different data types. Check the data type of each variables from question number 1.
Arthimetic operators are mathematical operators:+, -, *, /, *
let numOne = 4;
let numTwo = 3;
let sum = numOne + numTwo;
let diff = numOne - numTwo;
let mult = numOne * numTwo;
let div = numOne / numTwo;
let remainder = numOne % numTwo;
console.log(sum, diff,mult,div,remainder) // ->7,1,12,1.33,1
let PI = 3.14;
let radius = 100;// length in meter
const gravity = 9.81; // in m/s2
let mass = 72; // in Killogram
const boilingPoint = 100;// temperature in oC, boiling point of water
const bodyTemp = 37; // body temperature in oC
//Lets calculate area of a circle
const areaOfCircle = PI * radius * radius;
console.log(areaOfCircle) // -> 314 m
// Lets calculate weight of a substance
const weight = mass * gravity;
console.log(weigth) // -> 706.32 N(Newton)
//Concatinating string with numbers using string interpolation
The boiling point of water is 100 oC.
Human body temperatue is 37 oC.
The gravity of earth is 9.81 m/s2.
console.log(`The boiling point of water is ${boilingPoint} oC.\nHuman body temperatue is ${body} oC.\nThe gravity of earth is ${gravity} m / s2.`
JavaScript arithmetic operators are addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), modulus(%), increment(++) and decrement(--).
let operandOne = 4;
let operandTwo = 3;
Using the above operands apply different JavaScript arithmetic operators
The following symbols are the common logical operators: &&(ampersand) , ||(pipe) and !(negation). && gets true only if the two operands are true. || gets true either of the operand is true. ! negates true to false, false to true.
//&& ampersand example
const check = 4 > 3 && 10 > 5; // true and true -> true
const check = 4 > 3 && 10 < 5; // true and false -> false
const check = 4 < 3 && 10 < 5; // false and false -> false
//|| pipe or, example
const check = 4 > 3 || 10 > 5; // true and true -> true
const check = 4 > 3 || 10 < 5; // true and false -> true
const check = 4 < 3 || 10 < 5; // false and false -> false
//! Negation examples
let check = 4 > 3 // -> true
let check = !(4 > 3) // -> false
let isLightOn = true;
let isLightOff = !isLightOn; // -> false
let isMarried = !false; // -> true
Which are true or which are false ?
- 4 > 3 && 10 < 12
- 4 > 3 && 10 > 12
- 4 > 3 || 10 < 12
- 4 > 3 || 10 > 12
- !(4 > 3)
- !(4 < 3)
- !(false)
- !(4 > 3 && 10 < 12)
- !(4 > 3 && 10 > 12)
- !(4 === '4')
4 > 3;
4 >= 4;
4 < 3
4 <= 3
4 === 4
4 != 3;
4 !== '4';
4 !=== '4'
4 == '4'
4 === '4'
Boolean value is either true or false. Any comparison return a boolean either true or false. Use all the following comparison operators to compare the following values: >, < >=, <=, !=, !==,===. Which are true or which are false ?
- 4 > 3
- 4 >= 3
- 4 < 3
- 4 <= 3
- 4 == 4
- 4 === 4
- 4 != 4
- 4 !== 4
- 4 != '4'
- 4 == '4'
- 4 === '4'
In contrast to variables array can store multiple values. Each value in an array has an index and each index has a reference in a memory address. Each value can be accessed by using their indexes. The index of an array starts from zero and the last element is less by one from the lenght of the array.
const webTechs = [
const countries = [
const numbers = [0, 3.14, 9.81, 37, 98.6, 100];
const shoppingCart = [
console.log(webTechs.length) // => to know the size of the array, which is 7
console.log(webTechs[0]) //--> HTML;
console.log(webTechs[webTechs.length-1]) //--> MongoDB
- Declare an array variable name itCompanies and assign initial values Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle and Amazon.
- Print the array using console.log()
- Print the number of companies in the array
- Print out each company
- Change companies to uppercase and print them out
- Print the array like as a sentence: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM,Oracle and Amazon are big IT companies.
- Sort the array using sort() method
- Reverse the array using reverse() method
- Slice out the first 3 companies from the array
- Slice out the last 3 companies from the array
- Slice out the middle IT company or companies from the array
- Remove the first IT company from the array
- Remove the middle IT company or companies from the array
- Remove the last IT company from the array
- Remove all IT companies
Write a function called modifyArray takes array as parameter and modifies the fifth item of the array and returns the array. If the array length is less than five it return ‘item not found’.
console.log(modifyArray(["Avocado", "Tomato", "Potato","Mango", "Lemon","Carrot"]);
// →["Avocado", "Tomato", "Potato","Mango", "LEMON", "Carrot"]
console.log(modifyArray(["Google", "Facebook","Apple", "Amazon","Microsoft", "IBM"]);
// →["Google", "Facebook","Apple", "Amazon","MICROSOFT", "IBM"]
console.log(modifyArray(["Google", "Facebook","Apple", "Amazon"]);
// →"Not Found"
//code goes here
let isRaining = true;
if (isRaining) {
console.log("Remember to take your rain coat.");
// if the condition met
} else{
// if condition doesn't met
let isRaining = true;
if (isRaining) {
console.log ('You need a rain coat.');
} else {
console.log ('No need for a rain coat.');
// if else if else
let weather = 'sunny';
if (weather === "rainy") {
console.log("You need a rain coat.");
} else if (weather === "cloudy") {
console.log("It might be cold, you need a jacket.");
} else if (weather === "sunny") {
console.log("Go out freely.");
} else {
console.log("No need for rain coat.");
Switch an alternative for if else if else
var weather = "cloudy";
switch (weather) {
case "rainy":
console.log("You need a rain coat.");
case "cloudy":
console.log("It might be cold, you need a jacket.");
case "sunny":
console.log("Go out freely.");
console.log(" No need for rain coat.");
// Switch More Examples
var dayUserInput = prompt('What day is it ?');
var day = dayUserInput.toLowerCase();
switch (day) {
case 'monday':
console.log('Today is Monday');
case 'tuesday':
console.log('Today is Tuesday');
case 'wednesday':
console.log('Today is Wednesday');
case 'thursday':
console.log('Today is Thursday');
case 'friday':
console.log('Today is Friday');
case 'saturday':
console.log('Today is Saturday');
case 'sunday':
console.log('Today is Sunday');
console.log('It is not a week day.');
Another way to write conditionals is using ternary operators.
let isRaining = true;
isRaining ? console.log('You need a rain coat.') : console.log('No need for a rain coat.')
- Get user input using prompt(“Enter your age:”). If user is 18 or older , give feedback:You are old enough to drive but if not 18 give feedback to wait for the years he supposed to wait for. Output:
Enter your age: 30
You are old enough to drive.
Enter your age:15
You are left with 3 years to drive.
- Compare the values of myAge and yourAge using if … else. Based on the comparison log to console who is older (me or you). Use prompt(“Enter your age:”) to get the age as input. Output:
Enter your age: 30
You are 5 years older than me.
let a = 4;
let b = 3;
- If a is greater than b return a is greater than b else a is less than b. Output:
4 is greater than 3
In programming languages to carry out repetitive tast we use different kinds of loop. The following examples are the commonly used loops.
//For loop structure
for(initialization, condition, increment/decrement){
// code goes here
for(let i = 0; i <= 5; i++){
let i = 0;
while(i <= 5){
let i = 0;
do {
} while (i <= 5)
- Iterate 0 to 10 using for loop, do the same using while and do while loop.
- Iterate 10 to 0 using for loop, do the same using while and do while loop.
- Iterate the array from above question using a for loop and print out the items.
- Use for loop to iterate from 0 to 100 and print only even numbers
- Use for loop to iterate from 0 to 100 and print only odd numbers
- Use for loop to iterate from 0 to 100 and print and print the sum of all numbers.
The sum all numbers is 5050.
- Use for loop to iterate from 0 to 100 and print the sum of all evens and the sum of all odds.
The sum of all evens is 2550. And the sum of all odds is 2500.
A function is a block of code designed to perform a certain task. A function is declared by a function key word followed by a name, followed by parentheses (). A parentheses can take a parameter. If a function take a parameter it will be called with argument. A function can also take a default paramenter. A function can be declared or created in couple of ways:
- *Decleration function
- *Expression function
- Anonymous function
- Arrow function
function functionName(){
// code goes here
functionName() // calling function by its name and with parentheses
// function without parameters
function addTwoNumbers() {
var numOne = 10;
var numTwo = 20;
var sum = numOne + numTwo;
addTwoNumbers(); // function has to be called to be executed
// Function without parater doesn' take input, so lets make a parameter with parameter
function sumTwoNumbers(numOne, numTwo) {
var sum = numOne + numTwo;
sumTwoNumbers(10, 20); // calling functions
// If a function doesn't return it doesn't store data, so it should return
function sumTwoNumbersAndReturn(numOne, numTwo) {
var sum = numOne + numTwo;
return sum;
console.log(sumTwoNumbersAndReturn(10, 20));
function printFullName(firstName, lastName) {
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
console.log(printFullName("Asabeneh", "Yetayeh"));
console.log(printFullName("Dean", "Phan"));
function square(number) {
return number * number;
// this function takes array as a parameter and sum up the numbers in the array
function sumArrayValues(arr) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
sum = sum + numbers[i];
return sum;
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
//calling a function
const areaOfCircle = (radius) => {
let area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
return area;
//Declaration function
function square (n) {
return n * n;
console.log(square(2)) // -> 4
// Function expression
const square = function (n){
return n * n;
console.log(square(2)) // -> 4
// Self invoking functions
(function (n) {
return n * n;
const square = (n) => {
return n * n
console.log(square(2)) // -> 4
// if we have only one line, it can be written as follows
const square = n => n * n; // -> 4
- Declare a function fullName and it print out your full name.
- Declare a function fullName and now it takes firstName, lastName as a parameter and it returns your full - name.
- Declare a function addNumbers and it takes two two parameters and it returns sum.
- An area of a rectangle is calculated as follows: area = lenght x width. Write a function which calculates areaOfRectangle.
- A perimeter of a rectangle is calculated as follows: perimeter= 2x(lenght + width). Write a function which calculates perimeterOfRectangle.
- A volume of a rectangular prism is calculated as follows: volume = lenght x width x height. Write a function which calculates volumeOfRectPrism.
- Area of a circle is calculated as follows: area = π x r x r. Write a function which calculates areaOfCircle
- Circumference of a circle is calculated as follows: circumference = 2πr. Write a function which calculates circumOfCircle
- Density of a substance is calculated as follows:density= mass/volume. Write a function which calculates density.
- Speed is calculated by dividing the total distance covered by a moving object divided by the total amount of time taken. Write a fucntion which calculates a speed of a moving object, speed.
- Weight of a substance is calculated as follows: weight = mass x gravity. Write a function which calculates weight.
- Temperature in 0C can be converted to oF using this formula: oF = (oC x 9/5) + 32. Write a function which converst oC to oF convertCelciusToFahrenheit.
- Body mass index(BMI) is calculated as follows: bmi = weight in Kg / (height x height) in m2. Write a function which calculates bmi. BMI is used to broadly define different weight groups in adults 20 years old or older.Check if a person is underweight, normal, overweight or obsese based the information given below.
- The same groups apply to both men and women.
- Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
- Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
- Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
- Obese: BMI is 30 or more
- Linear equation is calculated as follows: ax + b = c. Write a function which calculates value of a linear equation, solvLinEquation.
- Quadratic equation is calculated as follows: ax2 + bx + c = 0. Write a function which calculates value or values of a quadratic equation, solvQuadEquation.
- Declare a function name printArray. It takes array as a parameter and it prints out each value of thearray.
- Declare a function name reverseArray. It takes array as a parameter and it returns the reverse of the array (dont’ use method).
- Declare a function name capitalizeArray. It takes array as a parameter and it returns the - capitalizedarray.
- Declare a function name addItem. It takes an item parameter and it returns an array after adding the item
- Declare a function name removeItem. It takes an index parameter and it returns an array after removing an item
- Declare a function name sumOfNumbers. It takes a number parameter and it adds all the numbers in that range.
- Declare a function name sumOfOdds. It takes a number parameter and it adds all the odd numbers in that - range.
- Declare a function name sumOfEven. It takes a number parameter and it adds all the even numbers in that - range.
- Declare a function name evensAndOdds . It takes a positive integer as parameter and it counts number of evens and odds in the number.
evensAndOdds(100); The number of odds are 50. The number of evens are 51.
- Write a funcition which takes any number of arguments and return the sum of the arguments
sum(1,2,3) // -> 6 sum(1,2,3,4) // -> 10
- Declare a function name randomHexaNumberGenerator. When this function is called it generates a random hexadecimal number. The function return the hexadecimal number.
console.log(randomHexaNumberGenerator()); '#ee33df'
- Declare a function name userIdGenerator. When this function is called it generates seven character id. The function return the id.
console.log(userIdGenerator()); 41XTDbE
- Modify question number n . Declare a function name userIdGeneratedByUser. It doesn’t take any parameter but it takes two inputs using prompt(). One of the input is the number of characters and the second input is the number of ids which are supposed to be generated.
userIdGeneratedByUser() "kcsy2 SMFYb bWmeq ZXOYh 2Rgxf " userIdGeneratedByUser() "1GCSgPLMaBAVQZ26 YD7eFwNQKNs7qXaT ycArC5yrRupyG00S UbGxOFI7UXSWAyKN dIV0SSUTgAdKwStr "
- Write a function name rgbColorGenerator and it generates rgb colors.
- Write a function name displayDateTime and it display in this format: 28/08/2018 04:08
- Use the new Date() object to get month, date, year, hour and minute.
28/08/2018 04:08
Everything can be an object and objects do have properties and properties have values.
const person = {
skills:['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React','Node','MongoDB', 'Python', 'D3.js']
getFullName:function() {
return `${this.firstName}${this.lastName}`
person.nationality = 'Ethiopian'
person.live = 'Finland';
- Create an object literal called personAccount. It has firstName, lastName, incomes, expenses properties and it has totalIncomes, totalExpenses, acountInfo,addIncome, addExpence and accountBalance methods. Incomes is a set of incomes and its description and the same for expenses.
class Person {
constructor(firstName, lastName, age, location,skills){
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.age = age;
this.location = location;
this.skills = skills;
getFull () {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
Local storage is used to store data on the browser.
let skills = [
{tech:'CSS', level:9},
{tech:'React', level:9},
let skillJSON = JSON.stringify(skills)
let skillsObj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('skills'),undefined, 4)
HTML document is structured as a JavaScript Object. Every HTML element has a different properties which can help to manipulate it. It is possible get, create, append or remove HTML elements using JavaScript. Check the examples below.
let allTitle = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
let allTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('title');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
let allDiv = document.querySelectorAll('div');
let span = document.querySelector('span');
let firstPara = document.querySelector('#first-para');
let allPara = document.querySelector('.para');
let title = document.createElement('h1');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
let title = document.createElement('h1');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
title.setAttribut('class', 'title');
title.setAttribut('id', 'first-title')
let title = document.createElement('h1');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
title.textContent = 'JavaScript for Everyone';
let title = document.createElement('h1');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
title.textContent = 'JavaScript for Everyone';
title.style.color = 'green';
let title = document.createElement('h1');
let firstTitle = document.getElementById('first-title');
title.textContent = 'JavaScript for Everyone';
title.style.color = 'green';
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
let pattern = /[A-Z][a-z]{3,12}/
let name = 'Asabeneh';
- Calculate the total annual income of the person from the following text. ‘He earns 4000 euro from salary per month, 10000 euro annual bonus, 5500 euro online courses per month.’
- Declare a function called getStringLists which takes an array as a parameter and then returns an array only with string items.
- Declare a function called categorizeCountries which returns an array of countries which have some common pattern(you find the countries array from slack).
- Declare a getFirstTenCountries function and return an array of ten countries
- Declare a getLastTenCountries function and return an array of ten countries
- Find out with which letter are there many countries