Screencast: YouTube video
Process Book: Process Book
Overview: This project is meant for people who would like to dive deep into the archives of Indian Premier League(IPL) and use the data to create their own hypothesis. We are attempting to do this by creating a comprehensive dashboard while following the design guidelines taught to us.
Data: All the raw data which we used is in the docs/Data folder. We used Python libraries such as pandas, numpy, json for data scraping,manipulation and preprocessing. The code for data manipulation is available in the "Dataset Manipulation" folder.
- Data - Contains all the required csv files.
- Dataset Manipulation - all the python files used for web scraping and data manipulation
- Images - images used in the webpage
- js - All the javascript files used for visualization
- header.js - Displays the final score and result of the match
- heatmap.js - Displays the heatmap about the bowling performances for each innings.
- partnerhsip.js - Displays a table showing partnership between two batsman for each innings.
- piechart.js - Displays a wagon wheel showcasing best batsman performance from both the innings.
- ranking1.js - Shows the ranks of the selected teams from 2008 till 2022.
- runperover.js - Displays a bar graph showing runs scored by both the teams in an over.
- script.js - Used for data loading
- selection.js - Fetches the matchID according the selected teams from the dropdown.
- teamsheet.js - Lists the playing XI of both the teams.
- visualization.js - Displays a worm graph showcasing ball-by-ball details of the match.
- index.html - base html file
- style.css - css file used for styling