I am a Passionate Developer from India. Programming is my passion , carrier , hobby you name it. I try to build and learn new things almost everyday. My birth name is Harsh Gupta.
I also listen to music , Do video editing , Designing , Gaming and much more :).
I also read many self developement books like Rich Dad , Thinking fast and slow and more.
You can find me on all the above platforms :).
Checkout Now - https://letscodeofficial.com
Checkout Now - https://letscodeofficial.com/jarvis
Checkout Now - https://mitthansweets.com
Apart From Coding, I also Write Blogs related to all sorts of topics from tech tips to business. You can check them out at https://www.blog.letscodeofficial.com/author/harshnative/articles
I am currently working on the lets code community and lets code technologies project with my friends from Udemy.
Website - https://www.letscodeofficial.com
My Most proficient langauge is python with over 3 years of professional experience
Click on icon above or link below to see some of the videos edited by me. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyAtkFE9Asq7mgpoCj0Vj_A
This chart was made by lines-of-code-counter-with-charts utility made by myself using python.
You can check it out at - https://github.com/harshnative/lines-of-code-counter-with-charts and build charts for your own repo
pySecureCryptos Checkout Now
github link - https://github.com/harshnative/pySecureCryptos
World class encryption module written in python
- symmetric encryptions
- onetimepad
- cryptography.fernet
- cryptography.fernet using multiprocessing for faster encryption
- all above as method to encrypt both bytes and string data with progress yielders
- asymmetric encryptions
- rsa
- all above as method to encrypt both bytes and string data with progress yielders
- encoder decoder
- convert string into bytes , bytes from strings , bytes from hex etc
- shuffler
- shuffle and unshuffle all types of objects like lists , bytes , strings etc
- hashers
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- all the above methods can return result in bytes or string and also as progress yielders and shuffler methods
- randomWrapper
- generate true and pseduo random strings
- generate true integers , floats , strings etc from mouse movement which provides absolute true randomness
It can do many things such as :-
- weather of any city
- speed test
- own settings file
- password manager with military class encryption
- Share file via both HTTP and FTP server with both wired and wireless medium.
- mispelled command detection
- auto complete command using tab
- in built troubleshooter
Local Secure Chat is a chat application desgined to chat with anyone in a group over a local area network securely
It use cyrptography fernet tech to encrypt messages , login credentails are managed by the server admin , any machine running python can act as server as well client.
Direct link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWsckqGl9IA
This a Project Taken under developement for a Business who wants to do GST billing in their outlet for the customers with a high level encryption database and fast response time and easy interface.
lines-of-code-counter-with-charts Checkout Now
Direct link - https://github.com/harshnative/lines-of-code-counter-with-charts
Utility to count lines of code and produce results in variety of formats as well as beautiful charts